The Case against the President


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2015
The Obama administration has caused the bane of America's trust in their leaders to meet its tragic death. Scandal after scandal plagued the Obama office; and the country is now paying the price for their choice of reelecting Obama five years ago.

#1 Scandal Heard of the Benghazi terror? And silence from the 'higher-ups' from the State Department at the time.

# 2 Scandal...

An so forth...

The People vs. Barack Obama by Ben Shapiro
Lmao you're being funny right?
The republicans started as many scandals as they could. Everything Obama did was met with criticism and douchebaggery. The scandals are going on because the republicans are making them. If I came to your hometown and told everybody all of your business, (most of which I made up), and it became a big scandal at work and at home for you... Would the problem be your fault? Would the scandals be your doing?

Living on a strict regimen of ignorance and denial will never end well. I don't care what the candidates have promised you, poor people suffering because being millionaires isn't good enough,(anything less than a billion in the bank just doesn't cut it), is a bad thing! I don't know who has kids and who doesn't, but this is hypothetical...
If your kid got seperated and lost in a huge mall, how would you like it handled? A republican needing to make sure their parents had enough money to help the child, or a bleeding heart liberal doing whatever they could think of to help?

Even if you don't care for my analogy, it is what it is. Help the rich. Screw the poor.
It's so easy to resort to name calling, isn't it? It's the last resort of the desperate and uninformed. Obama has systematically tried to destroy our way of life in America, and he has almost succeeded! What part of trampling the Constitution do you people not understand? Benghazi is just the tip of the iceberg with this corrupt administration! And what the hell does George Bush have to do with anything? He hasn't been in office for awhile! I don't like Bush, never have, but I can certainly look at both of them objectively. Both Barack and Michelle Obama (like most liberals I have known), seem to have an entitlement mentality, and a persecution complex! It's time people grew up, stopped whining and took responsibility for their own failures!
you ever here of 8 investigations, and not a single thing showing obama had anything to do with it? ever here of about the other Benghazi's that happened under because you dont care. ever here about Sept the other one 2001....

your a idiot. get a new line

I also read, citizen @pocketfullofshells, that in this site the use of swear-words to address a person id_ _ _ is forbidden. And I would ask you to not use them when talking to me. Each one here has every right to an opinion on this thread which I started. Even though I've thrown my issues into your hands to discuss intelligently with everyone here-- you do not have to insult me.
I also read, citizen @pocketfullofshells, that in this site the use of swear-words to address a person id_ _ _ is forbidden. And I would ask you to not use them when talking to me. Each one here has every right to an opinion on this thread which I started. Even though I've thrown my issues into your hands to discuss intelligently with everyone here-- you do not have to insult me.
you have said nothing intelligent
you have said nothing intelligent

Speak smart, therefore, and present your case with evidence-based facts. Do your research, study harder and make a good difference in this House of Politics, man. Your intimidation and victim-tactics won't do here.

So far, I detect honestly intelligent people here whom I'm delighted to have discussions with. And I'm sorry to tell you that you're not one of them.

Now, about Donald Trump's ambitious call to task himself to make America great again...?
Lmao you're being funny right?
The republicans started as many scandals as they could. Everything Obama did was met with criticism and douchebaggery. The scandals are going on because the republicans are making them. If I came to your hometown and told everybody all of your business, (most of which I made up), and it became a big scandal at work and at home for you... Would the problem be your fault? Would the scandals be your doing?

Living on a strict regimen of ignorance and denial will never end well. I don't care what the candidates have promised you, poor people suffering because being millionaires isn't good enough,(anything less than a billion in the bank just doesn't cut it), is a bad thing! I don't know who has kids and who doesn't, but this is hypothetical...
If your kid got seperated and lost in a huge mall, how would you like it handled? A republican needing to make sure their parents had enough money to help the child, or a bleeding heart liberal doing whatever they could think of to help?

Even if you don't care for my analogy, it is what it is. Help the rich. Screw the poor.

No. Have I come across to you, funny? The good citizens of America have lost trust in the Obama administration. And that's a serious thing. Let me ask you "Why"?
There's no point blaming Republicans and progressive democrats. What is obvious is, the US leadership has gone awry and not worthy of trust anymore.

Pray for great leaders who truthfully love America and its American people.
Speak smart, therefore, and present your case with evidence-based facts. Do your research, study harder and make a good difference in this House of Politics, man. Your intimidation and victim-tactics won't do here.

So far, I detect honestly intelligent people here whom I'm delighted to have discussions with. And I'm sorry to tell you that you're not one of them.

Now, about Donald Trump's ambitious call to task himself to make America great again...?
Its kinda what he does. But points for effort.
Re Trump, its not easy to do what he wants when you can't fire people.
Speak smart, therefore, and present your case with evidence-based facts. Do your research, study harder and make a good difference in this House of Politics, man. Your intimidation and victim-tactics won't do here.

So far, I detect honestly intelligent people here whom I'm delighted to have discussions with. And I'm sorry to tell you that you're not one of them.

Now, about Donald Trump's ambitious call to task himself to make America great again...?
your not worth the time. You cry about things dis-proven time and time again..if you can read or pay attention to those why try again with you
your not worth the time. You cry about things dis-proven time and time again..if you can read or pay attention to those why try again with you

LOL! The feeling is mutual. Thanks for reading my "dis-proven" 8 posts. By the way, on whose cacophony of ideas do you get your imaginations? There'll be more posts coming for your target of banter and intimidation. Ready for more of your monopoly? Remember, your opinion, wherever you put them, aren't facts. They're just...uhm... let me see... your opinions. Well, you are entitled to them, of course. That's all there is to it. Also, if you must make desperate points, a lotuf 2 cents points, attacking with your barrage of character assassinations just marks you so well. :-D I hear them all over the internet and ground liberal politicking. Not sooo original.

See you again, fellow citizen @pocketfullofshells ! Don't forget, this is @AbeLincoln . Farewell for now.
LOL! The feeling is mutual. Thanks for reading my "dis-proven" 8 posts. By the way, on whose cacophony of ideas do you get your imaginations? There'll be more posts coming for your target of banter and intimidation. Ready for more of your monopoly? Remember, your opinion, wherever you put them, aren't facts. They're just...uhm... let me see... your opinions. Well, you are entitled to them, of course. That's all there is to it. Also, if you must make desperate points, a lotuf 2 cents points, attacking with your barrage of character assassinations just marks you so well. :-D I hear them all over the internet and ground liberal politicking. Not sooo original.

See you again, fellow citizen @pocketfullofshells ! Don't forget, this is @AbeLincoln . Farewell for now.
don't worry I did not read them, I have read thousands of times by people like you...whats more better to read is the many times they have investigated this thing and refuted everything...all run by Republicans. I'm done pretending its a issue its, not and I give it no time of day.
I've never been a big Obama fan, but even I don't understand this scattered thread. We all know that Obama has pushed through a time of loss using executive privilege, we know that he has utter disdain for anyone composing socialist views. But what is in this thread that proves any of that?