Sandra Fluke--The new christess of the democrats

Johnny Tremain

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2012
This is simply too good not to have on the permanent record.

Sandra Fluke, the heir apparent and possible grandchild of Ilse Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald.

I think she had Jerusalem taken out of the platform.

God knows--she is a Femi-Nazi.

Hey Sandy!
Use your own goddamn 9-bucks beer money to pay for results of your alley-catting around. Or keep your legs together.

Rush Limbaugh called her out correctly.
Don't diss poor Ms. Fluke. She's 30 yrs old and still in college and needs us to pay for her birth control.
God knows we don't want her reproducing
Don't diss poor Ms. Fluke. She's 30 yrs old and still in college and needs us to pay for her birth control.
God knows we don't want her reproducing

I'll forward to her a chastity belt.
Is she not the archetypal "aggrieved woman"?
Limbaugh said that he would send her, and each of her like-minded friends, a quarter, so they could put it between their knees and clamp tightly when needed.

It was a lot less expensive, and more effective, than anything she was proposing.
Sandra Fluke--The new christess of the democrats

Well, she'd not exactly the Democrats' new "Christess".

She's more like their new....

Sandra Fluke--The new christess of the democrats

Well, she'd not exactly the Democrats' new "Christess".

She's more like their new....


If there were "fewer hands" on her private parts--there would be much less need for Jehovah's Witnesses to pony up the cash for her rampant screwing.

She just could never afford $9/mo.--but can afford George Washington University. So damn hilarious!

She just HAS to FORCE a little old couple of believers in Tennessee pay for her whoring around.
Leftist dogma.
It is important to remember that leftists are MOSTLY VERY WEALTHY and have never worked at all.
Let's see HER goddamn TAX RECORDS for the last ten years! Huh!
The DNC = the vagina monologs

It's obviouse that all these women only care about is what's below their waist and not what's above their necks.