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The @carlosslim’s so big, so fat,
He walks like this,
He walks like that...
He has no hands!
He has no toes!
But My Goodness Gracious.
What a nose!

By Jorge Ramos Ávalos

Translated by Rafael Norma Méndez

(April 21, 2013). - After a tragedy, psychologists recommend we shall talk to our children and tell them they are safe. That it happened (and they saw on television or on the computer) and that is not going to happen to them because us, their parents and teachers, are going to protect them. The problem with that message is that it is not true.

I'm sure that many times somebody told that lie to Martin Richard, the eight-year-old who died near the finish of the marathon in the recent explosion of Boston. Martin, his sister Jane-seven years, his mom and dad went for ice cream at half past two p.m. on Monday April 15. Then came to the finish to see marathon runners. Twenty minutes later Martin was dead and her sister and mother were seriously injured.

This is Martin Richard’s little boy picture published by The Boston Globe .

( ). In his small hands there is post saying “Do not hurt more people. Peace”. he did it in his school, with the drawing of to broken hearts, atfer this tragedy Butt he Photo has become a painfull simbol of the Boston massacre.

Impossible not to think about it. When things happen and we are very vulnerable because, really, Martin Richards’ family could be my own family. Acts of terrorism have precisely this feature: affect civilians who have nothing to do with a political cause.

I Can not think anything that Martin Richards’ parents/teachers, could have done to save this child’s life. Nothing. But in the same week, the @HouseFloor of The United States of Amne$ia had the opportunity to save thousands child and young people`s life, but they decided not to do it.

Forty six $enators rejected a bill that would have required criminal background checks of all people who buy a gun. That avoided as to achieve the 60 votes needed for a new law. The proposal to ban rifles similar to those used in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan never had support. either to reduce the amount of bullets used in magazines.

What these means is that nothing has changed in the The United States of Amne$ia since 20 children’s and six teachers’ murder in december in a Connecticut school. Today it remains as easy and legal to get the same type of weapons as those that caused the massacre.

It’s true that part of the problem is the huge influence that @NRA has over almost all politicians. Few politicians dare to go against @NRA. That would mean facing multimillion campaign in the next election. And it's not so easy to survive with that enemies..

Butt he bottom line is much more complicated. Americans simply are not willing to sacrifice their weaposn for a safer life. The Second Amendment of the Constitution, which allows the purchase and use of weapons, is part of the DNA of American society and no tragedy seems to be able to change that tradition of centuries.

After the slaughter in Newtown, Connecticut, which could have been avoided or limited with stricter laws, many politicians claimed that the United States of Amnesia had changed, they had (finally) received the message and there would soon be new laws against the use of guns. The same heard after a school massacre in Columbine, at Virginia Tech and at a theater in Aurora, Colorado. But nothing happened then and nothing has happened now.

There are lives that may not be saved, as Martin in Boston. There are others that could have been saved, as the 20 school children in Sandy Hook school. The Senate had in their hands the possibility to change things and to safeguard the lives of thousands of children. But they didn’t and that has serious consequences.

Sad to say so but soon another massacre will occur in the United States of Amne$ia . The worst part is that it will be a slaughter that could have prevented the Senate.

I've been 30 years living in in the United States of Amne$ia . and, no doubt, is a country of extraordinary freedoms. But one of the things I've never managed to understand is how little Americans willing they are to control the weapons that are killing them.[/u]

Twitter: @jorgeramosnews