Obama pal and Putin deputy, Medvedev, threatens to nuke DC and he is not joking

no need to thank me, I am happy to point out how stupid your internet bragging is, and how pathetic it makes you look!
Thanks again for pointing that out so clearly.

PS. Bye the way, abort your kids, PLEASE
BTW please keep up your pathetic internet bragging
So I can keep laughing at you
I live for you to laugh at me. So please never stop

Oh yea, in 2012 the producers of World War Z tried to hire me as a stunt double for Brad Pitt because I look so much like him, and I accepted but when Brad saw that I was so much more handsome than he was he refused to work with my handsome self
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Obama was never close to any of them. Grow up.

If you want to talk about close relationships, why hasn't Trump condemned Putin for killing Navalny?
Not a word of criticism. I wonder why.
Because he's running for president remember what happened when Joe Biden was running for president and the comments he made about the Saudi Arabian Prince that was completely stupid and Trump would be stupid to say and accuse something with Putin while he's running for president until he has proof
I own Apple computer stock, the fact that you bought bud light and are the village idiot is not the point

so that makes apple "your company"? lol
thanks for confirming your IQ to ego size ratio I described :)
You are allowed to brag about your Pokémon collection
I find the idea that somehow Melania Trump has any role whatever in the running of this country a real joke. Her role is 100% ornamental. She has to be the least effective First Lady in recent times.
She is essentially a golddigger that managed to fall into a tub of butter.