Obama on the tonight show Leno gave him softball questions


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
You’d hardly know from Jay Leno’s softball questions Tuesday night that Obama was presiding over a tanking economy. Lloyd Grove on the well-orchestrated sit-down. Plus, watch video.

His face is creased and lined, his head has been invaded and occupied by an army of gray hairs, and—at least while sitting next to Jay Leno, a spicy meatball of a man—his skinny frame has a physical fragility that wasn’t apparent, say, only a year into his bone-crushing presidency.

“Michelle thinks I look old. But that’s okay—she still thinks I’m cute,” the president confided to the host of NBC’s Tonight Show Tuesday in one of his periodic visits to late-night television to shore up his insomniac base and deliver his stump speech—in conversational tones and punctuated by the occasional witticism—in the run-up to the next election.
Obama couldn’t have found a more willing accomplice. Leno—who wears his American flag pin on the right lapel, in contrast to the president’s flag-on-left—might just as well have been scripted by David Axelrod. Unlike The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart, who piercingly challenged Obama with one tough question after another and at one point called him “dude” during a fascinating appearance a year ago, Leno seemed content to provide the nation’s top Democrat with an informercial masquerading as a guest-shot.


Remember Bill Clinton went on Leno show, Then the PBS interview ,The Letterman show and Jon Stewart show? All gave him softball questions. But until Clinton got on Fox News this is what happens

Come on Obama get on the O'reilly factor you chickenshit!
I don't see anything funny about Snowden being protected by Putin. I don't see anything funny about Obamas scandals like the IRS silenced the Tea Party and helped Obama win Re-election. I don't see anything funny about 4 Americans being killed in Libya.
I don't see anything funny about Snowden being protected by Putin. I don't see anything funny about Obamas scandals like the IRS silenced the Tea Party and helped Obama win Re-election. I don't see anything funny about 4 Americans being killed in Libya.

I don't see anything funny about you guys whining all the time while the ones you voted for do nothing. And I certainly didn't see you people whining when Bush sent our troops to Iraq without the proper equipment just to revenge his father.

You would have some credibility if you had been whining for the past 30 years, not just now. Poor victims. The IRS "silenced" the Tea Party?
I don't see anything funny about you guys whining all the time while the ones you voted for do nothing. And I certainly didn't see you people whining when Bush sent our troops to Iraq without the proper equipment just to revenge his father.

You would have some credibility if you had been whining for the past 30 years, not just now. Poor victims. The IRS "silenced" the Tea Party?
Seriously ....

You're playing the blame Bush card ....

And, here I was taking you serious as a commentator ...... :confused:
Seriously ....

You're playing the blame Bush card ....

And, here I was taking you serious as a commentator ...... :confused:

I don't take any of you seriously, and that is quite unfortunate. I was not blaming Bush as you like to claim so often. I was pointing out s serious, and historical, fact. When Bush sent the troops into Iraq with totally inadequate equipment the right still supported Bush. It was a comparison,( do you know what that is?) between the actions, or reaction, of the right when Bush was in control, and now when Obama is in control.

Seriously, how do you compare the millions of jobs lost by Bush, the collapse of the housing market, the trillions of dollars in national debt, the collapse of the manufacturing market, And the overall failure of 12 years of Republican control (1984-2006), to that of what Obama has done?

As to "softball questions", when Bush appeared on Fox no one asked him about the poor equipment given to the troops, or the number of dead, maimed, and wounded, due to this poor equipment. Want to ask the family? Ask me. My step grandson was killed in one of those shitty Humvees.

So, I don't find anything funny at all about the government we have, and have been given by the apathetic single party voters.
And I certainly didn't see you people whining when Bush sent our troops to Iraq without the proper equipment just to revenge his father.

Please provide some proof or supporting facts to that.

The goal in Iraq was to take down Saddam's government, which was accomplished in three weeks.
Please provide some proof or supporting facts to that.

The goal in Iraq was to take down Saddam's government, which was accomplished in three weeks.

Don't know how old you are, however, I am surprised you do not remember the families begging for better armor, sending their children body armor bought with their own money, the military preventing the troops from getting privately bought body armor, soldiers scrounging in junk yards for iron to re-enforce the armor on the HumVees, body armor issued missing armor plates, etc.

If you do a little searching you can find articles from Fox, etc., on the situation. We invaded in 2003, and still in 2007, and 2010, they had inadequate equipment. Now people are upset about Benghazi, and we still don't know why Stevens was there at the compound, yet nothing will ever be done about the thousands of troops killed, and maimed, by the lack of protection in Iraq/Afghanistan.


Those complaints, and others, were aired Wednesday when Rumsfeld held a “town hall”-style meeting with about 2,300 soldiers at Camp Buehring in northern Kuwait, a transit camp for troops heading into Iraq.

Wilson asked Rumsfeld, “Why do we soldiers have to dig through local landfills for pieces of scrap metal and compromised ballistic glass to up-armor our vehicles?” Shouts of approval and applause arose from other soldiers who had assembled in an aircraft hangar to see Rumsfeld.

Rumsfeld hesitated and asked Wilson to repeat his question.

“We do not have proper armored vehicles to carry with us north,” Wilson, 31, of Nashville, Tenn., concluded after asking again.

“You go to war with the Army you have,” Rumsfeld replied, “not the Army you might want or wish to have.


He added: “Does everything happen instantaneously as the brain in the enemy sees things and makes changes? No, it doesn’t happen instantaneously.” But the Army has adjusted “pretty rapidly” to the evolving tactics of the insurgents, he said, including the need to have more armor on vehicles like the Humvee.
MSNBC.com reported earlier this year that the Army was aware that Humvees were under-protected as far back as 1993 but was still officially advising soldiers as recently as March to put sandbags on the floorboards to deaden the impact of mine explosions.
Rumsfeld promised that steps were also being taken to deal with explosive devices, a leading cause of death in Iraq, where more than 1,000 U.S. soldiers have been killed in action.


Both the sergeant and his wife are serving in Iraq, and both have seen action. But, like thousands of U.S. soldiers, his wife was not given the vital ceramic plates for her Kevlar Interceptor vest to protect her from bullet wounds. Instead, he said, she had to scavenge to find plates left behind by Iraqi soldiers — plates of inferior quality that do not properly fit her vest.

The Pentagon confirms that at least 40,000 of the 130,000 U.S. troops in Iraq don’t have basic Kevlar Interceptor vests or the ceramic plates needed for full protection.


A better body armor that was shelved last year is now making its way to soldiers in Iraq — but not Afghanistan.
All-Army Activities message 347, dated Nov. 17, outlined the limited fielding of the X Small Arms Protective Inserts, or XSAPI, as well as X Side Ballistic Inserts, or XSBI. Distribution will begin Dec. 15.

Soldiers deploying to Iraq in support of Operation New Dawn will receive XSAPI plates, which will then remain in theater. This will continue until U.S.-based stocks are emptied. Distribution of XSBI plates will follow a similar procedure, but will not begin until February or March.
But soldiers headed to Afghanistan will continue to deploy with Enhanced Small Arms Protective Inserts, or ESAPI, as well as Enhanced Side Ballistic Inserts, or ESBI.
Cindy Sheehan has now said the George Bush's "main goal" as she puts it is to "kill as many US servicemen as possible"! Not only is that beyond ridiculous, if that were true then I would agree with her, he is doing a terrible job in the fact that it took him 2 years and many billions of dollars and all he could kill was 1800 soldiers! Give me a break Cindy!

George Bush hasn't killed any US soldiers, this is an all volunteer army, it was your "freedom fighter" friends who killed our soldiers.

-Bobby Shred

of course you dont care, it is fact that does not support your view

So, if you buy a gun, and give it to a friend who then kills another, you are guilty. That is your POV, or is it just another attempt to defend the undefensible actions of Bush something you would accuse the left of doing towards Obama.

BTW, just how does that excuse Bush from sending troops to Iraq poorly equipped? How does that justify our troops fighting there, and dying there, for more then 4 years without the proper equipment when the MRAP's were available? Some even opposed sending MRAP's to Iraq because of the cost:



Congress has provided more than $22 billion for 15,000 MRAPs the Defense Department plans to acquire, mostly for the Army. Depending on the size of the vehicle and how it is equipped, the trucks can cost between $450,000 and $1 million.

As of May 2007, roughly 120 MRAPs were being used by troops from all the military services, Pentagon records show. Now, more than 2,150 are in the hands of personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Marines have 900 of those.

You, and others, want to blame Obama, and the Democrats, for everything wrong with the country, yet want to deny (save for a few insincere words) the role of the Republicans in that destruction. If the security of Stevens in Benghazi is worthy of all the hearings, and press, being given it, why is not the deaths of hundreds of American soldiers due to the lack of security?