Obama Benghazi is another watergate


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Benghazi’s Real Scandal: Why Is the Libyan Investigation Such a Mess?

For two months now, politicians in Washington have argued furiously over who is to blame for the attack against the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, which killed the ambassador and three other Americans. And while that argument is sure to rage again on Thursday and Friday during a closed-door hearing of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, there is another controversy roiling about that disastrous assault: In Benghazi itself. There, Libyans are questioning why officials have failed to place a single suspect in custody or, for that matter, to conduct many probing interrogations, despite the attack’s damaging impact on Libya’s international standing. “There is no serious investigation being undertaken by the Libyan authorities,” Rami el-Obeidi, the former intelligence chief for the Libyan rebels’ National Transitional Council, told TIME by phone on Wednesday. He says that “the Libyan authorities are unwilling to conduct a proper
investigation into the terrorist attack, as this would expose them to retaliation from extremist militias.”


Remember when Nixon was re-elected in 1972 and then a year later came watergate and then Democrats try to impeach him. You watch Democrats will protect Obama on this
I think most knowledgeable people know if BO were an R, he would be knee deep in impeachment hearings. But with a press that has become an integral part of the D Party (really commies), he likely gets away with hardly a scratch and his followers will continue to adore him.

Hell....BJ Bubba was impeached and he is adored by Ds worldwide. So, maybe BO would find impeachment to his liking.
I think most knowledgeable people know if BO were an R, he would be knee deep in impeachment hearings.

Exactly, and our own R's in office would be calling for it too. That's the real difference between the two parties.

Tomorrow should be interesting with Petraeus' testimony. Did he resign because he wouldn't do Obama's bidding? Were they using the affair to threaten him? Sounds like something the Chicago thugs would do.

Petraeus Clashed With Agency Heads in Final Days
Obama has a big bat! No,,Not to play baseball but use it on something else
See that clip Al Caponed used his bat on anyone who doesnt agree with him. Thats the Chicago way
And this
You see everyone is corrupted. The Jury,,The Lawyers even the Judge himself is corrupted