NYC crying illegals to cost 12 billion a year to care for

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Just think how much it cost the rest of us. They got 50000 illegals this year and are crying about it ,
Wonder why they are a sanctuary city welcoming them and Biden has made it all possible for their enjoyment

Just think how much it cost the rest of us. They got 50000 illegals this year and are crying about it ,
Wonder why they are a sanctuary city welcoming them and Biden has made it all possible for their enjoyment
Another feather in the caps worn by our illegal immigration captain and his faithful sidekick immigration czar?

Right wing morons criticize dems for acting like Jesus and helping people lol
He would help people regardless of citizenship
Not build a wall
LOL you could care less about what jesus would do as you do not believe in religion you lying g scum bag now stfu and crawl back in your hole. Yes they are sleeping in the streets taking money that should go to help others ,Why are you not housing any if your so concerned what Jesus would do. How many live with you in your shat hole you buying diapers or feeding them ? Why no your not scum budket
He would help people regardless of citizenship
Not build a wall
Would Jesus want illegals to turn big cities into tent city dumps forcing mayors to beg the broke federal government for help with the huge cost burden the illegal immigration crisis was bringing into their towns?
Would Jesus want illegals to turn big cities into tent city dumps forcing mayors to beg the broke federal government for help with the huge cost burden the illegal immigration crisis was bringing into their towns?
Nope but he wouldn't want Republicans building a wall he would want us helping them like dems are
LOL you could care less about what jesus would do as you do not believe in religion you lying g scum bag now stfu and crawl back in your hole. Yes they are sleeping in the streets taking money that should go to help others ,Why are you not housing any if your so concerned what Jesus would do. How many live with you in your shat hole you buying diapers or feeding them ? Why no your not scum budket
I think Jesus was a great guy
O look they guy who hangs out with a guy called Boris the church burner who is critical of religion who lies like am Biden.
Heres what the bible has to say about walls , naturally a lying moron who hates region would not know that , naturally because they are stupids and know nothing about the bible

What Does the Bible Say About Walls? A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls. “They shall besiege you in all your towns, until your high and fortified walls, in which you trusted, come down throughout all your land.

And here is what he said about borders

Acts 17:26 ESV / 7 helpful votes​

And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,
No for the cheery on top to prove lug nut is cluess about god and religion lets see what the church has say about immigration.

What does the Church teach about immigration?
  • “ A country has the right to regulate its borders and to control immigration: The overriding principle of all Catholic social teaching is that individuals must make economic, political, and social decisions not out of shortsighted self-interest, but with regard for the common good.