No matter what you think of the Ukraine

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
I know its a very corrupt nation and has problems , but you have to give them credit for standing toe to toe with the Russian forces which are huge but American weapons and others even the playing field a lot. And now it has become a war of attrition and pure will. And Russia is loosing .
You can bet your bottom rouble that ukraine is crawling with NATO special forces and nazi mercenaries

this story about plucky little ukraine is horse manure.

It is a war between NATO and Russia.

Russia will triumph as in 1945

Comrade Stalin
Demiltarizing the Donbas
You can bet your bottom rouble that ukraine is crawling with NATO special forces and nazi mercenaries

this story about plucky little ukraine is horse manure.

It is a war between NATO and Russia.

Russia will triumph as in 1945

Comrade Stalin
Demiltarizing the Donbas
Well I have not heard of any nazi mercenaries being around sense around 1945.
And while its possible there could be Nato special forces as advisor or trainers so what. I have not heard of any .
Now Now stalin . little Ukraine is standing toe to toe with the mighty Russian bear making Russia look weak and and like cowards deserting surrendering running the other countries to hide.

Just think if it was conventional america forces with our air force navy and all the

O I see the only aircraft carrier that Russia has caught on fire yet again this has happened several times when they weren't Towing it into battle.
The us has 11 nuclear aircraft carriers and 9 helo carriers.

I hope the Ukraine invades russia and sacks its citys
You can bet your bottom rouble that ukraine is crawling with NATO special forces and nazi mercenaries

this story about plucky little ukraine is horse manure.

It is a war between NATO and Russia.

Russia will triumph as in 1945

Comrade Stalin
Demiltarizing the Donbas

I heard the Russian army has old, worn out equipment.

This will educate you if you allow it.

If you listen for five minutes, you will want to hear the whole podcast.

I slowed down his delivery to 0.7 or 0.8 using the Tune in player's speed controls.

I'm listening to Ep. 1636 - Zelensky Goes To Washington on The Ben Shapiro Show with @TuneIn. #NowPlaying