My next prediction

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
The charges in Georgia of ricco and trying to over throw a federal election will end just like the failed obvious false impeachment efforts. The prosecutor has been prove to be a liar and is way to incompetent and has severe lack of skills legal knowledge and experience .she was hoping it would boost her election changes .
The charges in Georgia of ricco and trying to over throw a federal election will end just like the failed obvious false impeachment efforts. The prosecutor has been prove to be a liar and is way to incompetent and has severe lack of skills legal knowledge and experience .she was hoping it would boost her election changes .
So where legally were the charges wrong?
So where legally were the charges wrong?
They are a overreach there is no rico case and no attempt to overthrow the FEDERAL election and I do not think it will fly because of the law and it being federal and that word is the key plus she lacks the experience to handle such a complicated case and may be very well charged with pergery herself it was a political stunt and a power move with out to bolster her popularity. Seen today if your a prosecutor you get brownie points when you go after the other political party and use the law to do it kind like a conspiracy or a ricco case if not very careful.
She didn't know the law and now has a stained reputation and a total lack of experience at handling high end complicated cases against the lawyers trump has.they have the experience the resources to outdo her with ease.
Something Democrats are forgetting a very simple thing that they just can not comprehend due to their hate greed need for revenge and racist ways and do not forget their stupidity and lack of common sense
They are a overreach there is no rico case and no attempt to overthrow the FEDERAL election and I do not think it will fly because of the law and it being federal and that word is the key plus she lacks the experience to handle such a complicated case and may be very well charged with pergery herself it was a political stunt and a power move with out to bolster her popularity. Seen today if your a prosecutor you get brownie points when you go after the other political party and use the law to do it kind like a conspiracy or a ricco case if not very careful.
She didn't know the law and now has a stained reputation and a total lack of experience at handling high end complicated cases against the lawyers trump has.they have the experience the resources to outdo her with ease.
Something Democrats are forgetting a very simple thing that they just can not comprehend due to their hate greed need for revenge and racist ways and do not forget their stupidity and lack of common sense
So anonymous online non lawyer posts personal opinion about complex legal issues lol
......and no attempt to overthrow the FEDERAL election.....


First of all, AOC just informed us that RICO violations are not illegal.

first of all, she isn't a lawyer and that was the dumbest post you've made in awhile...which is quite a feat given how stupid your posts always are. lol
first of all, she isn't a lawyer and that was the dumbest post you've made in awhile...which is quite a feat given how stupid your posts always are. lol
AOC is not only not a lawyer but neither does she have a clue about the weather.
No you brought her up here duh
Unless you are her? Lol
We talk about current events here. Do you think AOC has not been in the news lately or do you think that every newscaster who mentions her has some sort of obsession with her? Of course not. Posters here are not to be accused of being obsessed with people in the news when discussing them.
We talk about current events here. Do you think AOC has not been in the news lately or do you think that every newscaster who mentions her has some sort of obsession with her? Of course not. Posters here are not to be accused of being obsessed with people in the news when discussing them.
It's how often you morons bring her up
Out of proportion to her impor
It's how often you morons bring her up
Out of proportion to her impor
I bring up people in the news as often as I feel bringing them up is helpful to the ongoing debate. I don't mold my posts to fit your expectations, and neither should you mold your posts to fit mine.
I bring up people in the news as often as I feel bringing them up is helpful to the ongoing debate. I don't mold my posts to fit your expectations, and neither should you mold your posts to fit mine.
Bringing up her name in a legal discussion is helpful how? Lol