Murder is Murder

Why should Boris go away when ordered to do so by a fool that assumes the name of a cartoon dog?
Scotus ruled dems broke the constitution?
Prove it, ly8ng moron
SCOTUS did not rule on the crooked partisan Democrat impeachment of Trump on false charges while suspending Trump's civil and human rights as well as suspending due process.
That does not seem to be any sort of proof.
Trump is not a victim, but he always claims that he is.
In reality, he has spent his entire life victimizing others.
Piss off boris. Your childish comments are not necessary. Go away.
I don't take instructions from brain-dead American ratbags.
You're like a whale. You suddenly surface , spray shit everywhere then disappear. Sound familiar?
If the truth hurts, you leave.
That does not seem to be any sort of proof.
Trump is not a victim, but he always claims that he is.
In reality, he has spent his entire life victimizing others.
Trump has been unjustly hated by the ungodly and the deluded for unjust political reasons and ignorant biases.
Good thing trumps hateful actions are public
Uncivilized barbarous mobs have murdered thousands of good people unjustly because of the deranged mobs' wicked delusions that those they hated deserved their hatred and murder.