More states send help to keep illegals out because Biden will not do his JOB.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes its failed to the governors of America and the National guard to protect the nation from illegals that democrat wanted and are crying about all over the nation .
Joe has proven he's a idiot along with Harris many ties over and are clueless. Democrats have unleashed this expensive wave of illegals upon us all from the crime to the cost and are doing nothing to stop it and even seems to welcome it the last 3 plus years as he's sat on his thumb spinning while he sucks the other one like a baby monkey. Now that the entire liberal base is crying, he want to act like he cares and need to take action lol what a sham.

Biden did do his job. He got people in Congress to rewrite a new immigration law. It can easily pass both houses and will be signed by President Biden as soon as it does. But Mike Johnson is a slave to the bloatbag rapey Trump and refuses to allow it to be put to a vote.

This is common knowledge.

Trump cares more about becoming a dictator than about any immigration. DEFEAT and CONVICT this evil POS and remove him forever from out politics!
Biden did do his job. He got people in Congress to rewrite a new immigration law. It can easily pass both houses and will be signed by President Biden as soon as it does. But Mike Johnson is a slave to the bloatbag rapey Trump and refuses to allow it to be put to a vote.

This is common knowledge.

Trump cares more about becoming a dictator than about any immigration. DEFEAT and CONVICT this evil POS and remove him forever from out politics!
Nope he did not do his job he encouraged illegals and could of kept title 42 and used national security to close the border. This has been going on for over 3 years and he hasn't done anything but encourage it so don't give me that crap only reason he's doing anything now because he's afraid he's going to lose the election.
That is BS, and you KNOW it is BS!
All that has to happen is for Trumpling Johnson to allow the new law to be voted on.

The courts ruled that 42 was illegal, because there is no covid emergency.

The problem is TRUMP, the dork that the American people REJECTED.
That is BS, and you KNOW it is BS!
All that has to happen is for Trumpling Johnson to allow the new law to be voted on.

The courts ruled that 42 was illegal, because there is no covid emergency.

The problem is TRUMP, the dork that the American people REJECTED.
Yes title 42 could still be used as is national security.
You just think some half-assed immigration bill will work it's a joke and you know it mine could have stopped all this if you wanted to it would have cost him votes him power and Congress but that shouldn't matter to a president and I said it you should do what's the best thing for America not the best thing for everybody elsel
That is BS, and you KNOW it is BS!
All that has to happen is for Trumpling Johnson to allow the new law to be voted on.

The courts ruled that 42 was illegal, because there is no covid emergency.

The problem is TRUMP, the dork that the American people REJECTED.
O yes its trumps fault millions of illegals were let in the USA by BIDEN lol you sound like lug nuty making excuses and blaming other

Yes its failed to the governors of America and the National guard to protect the nation from illegals that democrat wanted and are crying about all over the nation .
Joe has proven he's a idiot along with Harris many ties over and are clueless. Democrats have unleashed this expensive wave of illegals upon us all from the crime to the cost and are doing nothing to stop it and even seems to welcome it the last 3 plus years as he's sat on his thumb spinning while he sucks the other one like a baby monkey. Now that the entire liberal base is crying, he want to act like he cares and need to take action lol what a sham.

Wait, I thought Bidens job was eating ice cream
The reason the problem continues is that immigration laws need to be reformed.
The saner members of both parties got together and they wrote a law that would solve the problem.
Biden encouraged them to do this and says he will sign it.
Congress has the votes to pass it, but Dork Johnson will not allow there to be a vote.


Because he is Trump's slave.

Trump was president for four years and could have urged Congress to pass an immigration reform law, but he was too busy playing golf or pretending to be a tough guy firing people. He did nothing.

And now, he does not want the law passed, because he has no other issue to run on, other than insulting Biden because he is old.
Biden is old but he has good advisors and does not fire them. All Trump has are bootlickers, asskissers, lickspittles and yesmen. And that is all he will appoint if we are so unfortunate that the asshole is elected. And Trump is also old and needs to have his diapers changed. His speeches are increasingly more idiotic rambling nonsense.

The law is not being passed only because of Trump. Immigration was not reformed between 2017 and 2021 because of Trump.

You are incredibly stupid if you cannot comprehend this.
The reason the problem continues is that immigration laws need to be reformed.
The saner members of both parties got together and they wrote a law that would solve the problem.
Biden encouraged them to do this and says he will sign it.
Congress has the votes to pass it, but Dork Johnson will not allow there to be a vote.


Because he is Trump's slave.

Trump was president for four years and could have urged Congress to pass an immigration reform law, but he was too busy playing golf or pretending to be a tough guy firing people. He did nothing.

And now, he does not want the law passed, because he has no other issue to run on, other than insulting Biden because he is old.
Biden is old but he has good advisors and does not fire them. All Trump has are bootlickers, asskissers, lickspittles and yesmen. And that is all he will appoint if we are so unfortunate that the asshole is elected. And Trump is also old and needs to have his diapers changed. His speeches are increasingly more idiotic rambling nonsense.

The law is not being passed only because of Trump. Immigration was not reformed between 2017 and 2021 because of Trump.

You are incredibly stupid if you cannot comprehend this.
heres one way BIDEN created the problem. we have that you claim hes not responsible for .

Now in 2021 he knew there was a problem and what did he do about it , did he ask congress to change laws and help why no he did not
what he did was put a pro-immigration moron inn charge of it .

Next do you recall the border wall Trump was building well well slow JOE stopped construction on it , that sure helped stop illegals and Terriots from entering.

I will post some more you can deny the truth all you want but he created it
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And here is a fine explanation of how he encouraged and enabled illegals

And the funny thing is I would bet almost every democrat here supported JOEs policy on the issue and approved of it until it started to hurt due to the billions city's are soaking into them the additional crime housing and hospital issues .
I saw where nyc had paid for a young single mans hotel room medical care food etc for the last 7 months . None of you cared till it started to hurt demo city's and joe chances of election and all the bad press.
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And here is a fine explanation of how he encouraged and enabled illegals

The illegals are being let in to be slaves both building and working in the factories that will be needed after WW3 begins and nothing is imported from chinkland