Melania; WATCH YOUR BACK!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
"As far-right congresswomen Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene turn on each other in DC, another feud within the MAGA-sphere has deepened, with former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis claiming failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is "couch-surfing" at Mar-a-Lago.

Ms Ellis shared a story from PEOPLE Magazine citing anonymous sources that claimed Ms Lake is trying to convince Donald Trump to make her
his running mate for his 2024 presidential run. Those sources also said that Ms Lake was spending significant time at Mr Trump's Florida resort."

"As far-right congresswomen Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene turn on each other in DC, another feud within the MAGA-sphere has deepened, with former Trump attorney Jenna Ellis claiming failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake is "couch-surfing" at Mar-a-Lago.

Ms Ellis shared a story from PEOPLE Magazine citing anonymous sources that claimed Ms Lake is trying to convince Donald Trump to make her
his running mate for his 2024 presidential run. Those sources also said that Ms Lake was spending significant time at Mr Trump's Florida resort."

Couch surfing my ass. She wouldnt sleep in anything but silk sheets and in Trump's bed. Yet they continue to bellow about how Harris got to be vp and here it is again but not a word.
How coincidental.
Both of them have seen more ceilings than Michael Angelo.

....But, it's lookin' like Melania is more-experienced at playing the long-game!!