Lying Biden mumbling again

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

He may be right that Hunter is the smartest man he knows as Hunter grew up with him and can understand what hes saying .

He may be right that Hunter is the smartest man he knows as Hunter grew up with him and can understand what hes saying .
That reminds me of Trump saying Ivanka and Don JNR are smart then Ivanka appears going through the porn act in pornhub.

I don't think you should be throwing stones. I'm not saying your stupid but you've had some bad luck when it comes to thinking.
That reminds me of Trump saying Ivanka and Don JNR are smart then Ivanka appears going through the porn act in pornhub.

I don't think you should be throwing stones. I'm not saying your stupid but you've had some bad luck when it comes to thinking.
Lol your upset again because there is tons of evidence to prove joe mumbles and forgets what he talked about and you hate the truth.
LOL Boris and you voted for him knowing that . Now that's seriously funny.
You knew Trump was a narcissistic phsycopath, rooted whores and grabbed pussies but still voted for him. If Trump gets the nomination you will do it again even after him staging a coup. Thats how stupid you are.
O so covid was trumps fault now.

no, moron, and I didn't say that.

I blame him for DOWNPLAYING it, moron. duh. just like the words I used.

you know..refusing to wear a mask in public, getting vaccinated secretly, comparing it to flu. duh.
those I blame him for since those are actions he did. duh.
he even admitted he downplayed it. duh

my god you're stupid. lol