Liberals Vandalize churches , what a display of class and their true criminal nature

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Yes liberals have vandalized churches across the nation over abortion. Yes a true display of ignorance and their heathen animal like criminal tendencies , they show their ethics and true nature.
This will turn some liberals themselves aginst liberal scum who are low enough to target a church with crime.

I wonder who the first liberal will be that's stupid enough to defend this type of behavior ?
Joe Biden wont condemn it hes even encouraged it , just like he and harris did with blm riots .Only this is against religion and that's a crime.
Now liberal antifa men in portland are vandalizing pro pregnancy clinics . why to go liberals show us even more why 7 out of 10 felons in jail 8d as democrats
I dont have a problem with churches. I simply don't agree with religion. They are a cancer on society with their abuse of children and the gop godbotherers support it.
So before you explode, get some facts. Not everyone thinks as stupid as you.
AT sure likes talking to himself.
he's a legend in his own mind.

one church was vandalized by people of unknown politics and the moron starts a whole thread about "liberals" vandalize "churches" and then posts over and over. lol
I dont have a problem with churches. I simply don't agree with religion. They are a cancer on society with their abuse of children and the gop godbotherers support it.
So before you explode, get some facts. Not everyone thinks as stupid as you.
Lying liberal you said they should all be burned
Lying liberal you said they should all be burned
That's why I don't have a problem with them.
I can take care of the problem easily. I also believe there should be some type of abattoir for old cripple people who want to die.
They can always leave their bodies to science but your case they would disregard your brain because it's never been used. They want working ones. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That's why I don't have a problem with them.
I can take care of the problem easily. I also believe there should be some type of abattoir for old cripple people who want to die.
They can always leave their bodies to science but your case they would disregard your brain because it's never been used. They want working ones. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
So your either lying again or telling the truth which is it

Disgraced South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh convicted of killing wife, son​

the true criminal nature of right wing republicans.

of course, i'm not stupid enough to think that cherry picked examples proves anything about tens of millions of people, but you are :)

Disgraced South Carolina lawyer Alex Murdaugh convicted of killing wife, son​

the true criminal nature of right wing republicans.

of course, i'm not stupid enough to think that cherry picked examples proves anything about tens of millions of people, but you are :)
big differance between 1 man killing his wife and a political party burning churchs and your supporting it