Liberal terrorist attack churches and pro life centers

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Yes its not surprising to me that they would increase their terrorist attacks on religious organizations and places who want to save lives . They are cowards .

Yes its not surprising to me that they would increase their terrorist attacks on religious organizations and places who want to save lives . They are cowards .
No where in the article does it mention liberals.

I have no problem with them burning churches or whatever. American is full of low iq godbotherers and fraudulent charlatans who take their money.
No where in the article does it mention liberals.

I have no problem with them burning churches or whatever. American is full of low iq godbotherers and fraudulent charlatans who take their money.
So its 9k by you to burn church's. Thank you for that now We all know what kind of thing you are.
So its 9k by you to burn church's. Thank you for that now We all know what kind of thing you are.
I said I had no problem with it because im an atheist. Churches mean nothing to me nor does the repubmican party.
If every one burnt down i won't be moaning. Its none of my business.

Have a nice day. I am.
I do not speak to sub humans who think its ok to burn down a house of worship. No matter the faith. It shows me they have no self respect and no respect for others. Only greed and selfish behavior and huge egos .
It would be like talking to dog shat you just stepped in and expecting a intelligent answer.
I do not speak to sub humans who think its ok to burn down a house of worship. No matter the faith. It shows me they have no self respect and no respect for others
It would be like talking to dog shat you just stepped in and expecting a intelligent answer.
I do not speak to sub humans who think its ok to burn down a house of worship. No matter the faith. It shows me they have no self respect and no respect for others
It would be like talking to dog shat you just stepped in and expecting a intelligent answer.
Well dont keep replying. You can't help yourself you petulant little ranter.

You were the one who attempted to set the guidelines. You go away or I will make it so provocative, it will make you burst.
So settle down , have another valium and watch and learn please.
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
I do not talk to scum bags who want churches burned no matter the religion and think its ok they are lower then dog shat and nothing but vile low life sub human trash . They have no use in a modern world where people are civilized . They are greedy self serving scum who only think of what they want and like with no self respect for them self or others .
Pure scum , and a embarrassment to the human race .
You sound like an expert on scum.
some democrats enjoy attacking places of worish because they dont agree with it and that makes it ok in their book , its a terriost act plain and simple and is a real reflection those who endorse it .Tells you exactly what kind of low life scum they are .
some democrats enjoy attacking places of worish because they dont agree with it and that makes it ok in their book , its a terriost act plain and simple and is a real reflection those who endorse it .Tells you exactly what kind of low life scum they are .
"some" do? lol. more weasel words.

"some" republicans do too.

aren't weasel words great? :)