Liberal perverts and radicals strike at schools again .

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

They can not control themselves and really are trying to influence children . Seriously how much more liberal cn you be a trans drag queen teaching others children to support Palestine , whats next 5 year old chanting queers for Hamas and death to America .
Just proves my point they are truing to influence our kids.

If My child was told by a drag queen to chant support Palestine or any other radical thing . I would find them and beat their ass to a pulp . and those whom arranged it also. I might get caught but but it the only way to stop this perversion in our schools
Drag queens are entertainers, not politicians.
FLip Wilson, Milton Berle, Robin Williams, all have dressed in drag for laughs.

They can not control themselves and really are trying to influence children . Seriously how much more liberal cn you be a trans drag queen teaching others children to support Palestine , whats next 5 year old chanting queers for Hamas and death to America .
Just proves my point they are truing to influence our kids.

If My child was told by a drag queen to chant support Palestine or any other radical thing . I would find them and beat their ass to a pulp . and those whom arranged it also. I might get caught but but it the only way to stop this perversion in our schools
Supporting babies not being blown up is a bad liberal thing? Lol
You right wingers are so disgusting

They can not control themselves and really are trying to influence children . Seriously how much more liberal cn you be a trans drag queen teaching others children to support Palestine , whats next 5 year old chanting queers for Hamas and death to America .
Just proves my point they are truing to influence our kids.

If My child was told by a drag queen to chant support Palestine or any other radical thing . I would find them and beat their ass to a pulp . and those whom arranged it also. I might get caught but but it the only way to stop this perversion in our schools
Right wing reaction to speech, disgusting
You are a hateful vile human being
Drag queens are entertainers, not politicians.
FLip Wilson, Milton Berle, Robin Williams, all have dressed in drag for laughs.
Did they tell story's about being drag queens to 5 year old kids?
And were some of them convicted sex offenders?
And did they lead chants supporting Palestine and condemning Jews?

Do you have another stupid liberal excuse that has nothing to do with subject at hand and show how clueless you really are ?
You compared them to comedy actors on TV and with a PhD and a educator can not see the difference.
Bizarre man .
Drag queens are entertainers, not politicians.
FLip Wilson, Milton Berle, Robin Williams, all have dressed in drag for laughs.
Sex perverts should keep their shows in dimly lit red district flop houses, not in full view of innocent children.
What drag queens like to do is sing Broadway tunes and dance around imitating Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
The main thing drag queens promote is tolerance and appreciation for music and dance.

Mark fears that a drag queen might grab him and cornhole him and he might enjoy it.
The main thing drag queens promote is tolerance and appreciation for music and dance.

Mark fears that a drag queen might grab him and cornhole him and he might enjoy it.
Christians do not fear the devil, demons, or American Democrats serving the devil and his host.
Do you really believe Jesus loves sexually active fornicators who kill babies in the womb if they accidentally get pregnant?
Humans are designed in such a way that sex does not always result in pregnancy. That is because the Biblical character called "god" designed them that way.
Just as he designed cats and birds that will kill and eat excessive offspring.
If God want people to have free will, then women need to be given the total control of their own bodies.
No woman gets pregnant to please Jesus.
No woman has an abortion to please or to displease Jesus.