Lets hope

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
With the over turn of abortion at the federal level lets no go ape shat people. No need for riots or attempts on the judges .
Each state now gets to choose.If you dont like your states decision drive across state lines.
Really when you think about it not much has changed .
America can allow riots to go one this shat has to stop.
With the over turn of abortion at the federal level lets no go ape shat people.

Really. The decision has taken the country back 50 years by a republican stacked sc which are all godbotherers. But let's not call it bias. Heaven forbid.

No need for riots or attempts on the judges .
Would you say that if the sc was stacked with democrat judges and you did agree with themselves?

Each state now gets to choose.If you dont like your states decision drive across state lines.
Well in racism ridden states in the south it us illegal to cross a border to have an abortion. But don't mention that when your attempting to play it down.

Really when you think about it not much has changed .

Thats the problem. You haven't thought about You are blindly supporting a republican decision by a totally biased sc.
Yet you bellow about freedom and democracy and constitution and leave out the hypocrisy.

America can allow riots to go one this shat has to stop.

You never mentioned that when they smashed the capitol. You never uttered a word of condemnation.

What has to stop is the pathetic ignorant posts by you supporting a racist republican stacked sc purely to score points.

Have you considered the next item they will tackle? Try LGBTQ innocent people.
How about banning gay marriage because it doesn't fit their religion?
You can now see how you don't think much.
With the over turn of abortion at the federal level lets no go ape shat people.

Really. The decision has taken the country back 50 years by a republican stacked sc which are all godbotherers. But let's not call it bias. Heaven forbid.

No need for riots or attempts on the judges .
Would you say that if the sc was stacked with democrat judges and you did agree with themselves?

Each state now gets to choose.If you dont like your states decision drive across state lines.
Well in racism ridden states in the south it us illegal to cross a border to have an abortion. But don't mention that when your attempting to play it down.

Really when you think about it not much has changed .

Thats the problem. You haven't thought about You are blindly supporting a republican decision by a totally biased sc.
Yet you bellow about freedom and democracy and constitution and leave out the hypocrisy.

America can allow riots to go one this shat has to stop.

You never mentioned that when they smashed the capitol. You never uttered a word of condemnation.

What has to stop is the pathetic ignorant posts by you supporting a racist republican stacked sc purely to score points.

Have you considered the next item they will tackle? Try LGBTQ innocent people.
How about banning gay marriage because it doesn't fit their religion?
You can now see how you don't think much.
Your paranoid boris . stop crying your not going to ever find a woman to breed with so you can kill your own child and lgbtq people dont have kids boris no matter how much they breed..
All this will do is make it a state issue so each state can decide. Your free to live ln any state you want .do you need a a hug or a tissue for your tears ?
Your paranoid boris . stop crying your not going to ever find a woman to breed with so you can kill your own child and lgbtq people dont have kids boris no matter how much they breed..
All this will do is make it a state issue so each state can decide. Your free to live ln any state you want .do you need a a hug or a tissue for your tears ?
You can't match me now. You don't have the wit or the smarts. Its now personal innuendo and hate. It always is when your out if ammo.
Your paranoid boris . stop crying your not going to ever find a woman to breed with so you can kill your own child and lgbtq people dont have kids boris no matter how much they breed..
All this will do is make it a state issue so each state can decide. Your free to live ln any state you want .do you need a a hug or a tissue for your tears ?
You can't match me now. You don't have the wit or the smarts. Its now personal innuendo and hate. It always is when your out if ammo.
Boris you should try meditating maybe some yoga to calm you down before you have a stroke. Match you lol why in the hell would I want to do that ?
I prefer a challenge and your sure not that lol.
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I reiterate what I said and you pathetic rebuttal proves it. It would easier to teach and elephant to waltz than teach you anythig

I reiterate what I said and you pathetic rebuttal proves it. It would easier to teach and elephant to waltz than teach you anything.
Lol o yes boris Im sure you would want to teach a elephant to waltz. Sounds like something would spend a few million on and your just the man to do it.
Youre out of ammo son. Starting to look very immature and ignorant. Take a break and get your act together.
I think you are out of a lot more then ammo Boris the impotent , but I will refrain from telling you what I think as I am afraid I could could stress your little mind out and do non reversible damage .
I think you are out of a lot more then ammo Boris the impotent , but I will refrain from telling you what I think as I am afraid I could could stress your little mind out and do non reversible damage .
You go right ahead. I can withstand everything you can throw at me.
Dont try to be clever, you don't have the smarts or wit.