joe Biden help create this problem

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Joe helped create this by being weak on Iran and showing his lack of support for Israel and pro Muslim so much . He cared more about radicals protesting then doing the right thing.Hes weakness and mental state are a advantage for radical ISLAM
He didn’t care at all about people protesting Israel. What do you think I’ve been complaining about this whole time? No US President has ever been weak on Iran or the whole Middle East for that matter. It’s a constant war zone so that we can have gas for our cars and live the first life on the backs of others. Republicans actually have a lot in common with radical Islam these days. You both hate women and want to control them for one.
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He didn’t care at all about people protesting Israel. What do you think I’ve been complaining about this whole time? No US President has ever been weak on Iran or the whole Middle East for that matter. It’s a constant war zone so that we can have gas for our cars and live the first life on the backs of others. Republicans actually have a lot in common with radical Islam these days. You both hate women and want to control them for one.
Lol so I hate women lol I am well known for protecting them in real life both professionaly and in non professionally.
I have been beat the hell out of a couple rapist when I was young and dumb .
I speak out on women's rights equal pay , rights as a parent, rights to use a bathroom with out men in it and women's rights to competent in sports against women not men . I support a women being able to take up to 4 months of paid time off rather birth and 45 days prior to ..
I love women your talking about something you clearly need schooled on my boy.
Lol so I hate women lol I am well known for protecting them in real life both professionaly and in non professionally.
I have been beat the hell out of a couple rapist when I was young and dumb .
I speak out on women's rights equal pay , rights as a parent, rights to use a bathroom with out men in it and women's rights to competent in sports against women not men . I support a women being able to take up to 4 months of paid time off rather birth and 45 days prior to ..
I love women your talking about something you clearly need schooled on my boy.
You’re gonna have to prove that wage part a lot more. And you took away their right to choose. Fucked with their healthcare and made it to where they have to have rape and incest babies now. That’s the kind of barbarism that radical Islamists might approve of.
You’re gonna have to prove that wage part a lot more. And you took away their right to choose. Fucked with their healthcare and made it to where they have to have rape and incest babies now. That’s the kind of barbarism that radical Islamists might approve of.
Lol nothing was taken away .states were allowed to make their own choice of you live in a state that says no then go to another that supports it .
Sorry but I only believe in abortion when it well rest in danger to the mothers life or of the child will be born with severe mental or physical issues rape and incest .Not because you to stupid to use birth control methods for both partners due to stupidity or laziness .
That sure don't mean I hate women it's both partners responsibility.I know of one girl who got 5 before 30.
Lol nothing was taken away .states were allowed to make their own choice of you live in a state that says no then go to another that supports it .
Sorry but I only believe in abortion when it well rest in danger to the mothers life or of the child will be born with severe mental or physical issues rape and incest .Not because you to stupid to use birth control methods for both partners due to stupidity or laziness .
That sure don't mean I hate women it's both partners responsibility.I know of one girl who got 5 before 30.
That’s not the case in Arizona obviously. You sugar coat it but the truth is states are taking away that right more and more. This is what the right wing wants, and it definitely hurts women more than it helps anybody. In fact it doesn’t help anybody except non sentient fetuses that you won’t care about once they’re born. They could be a victim of another mass shooting for all you care.
That’s not the case in Arizona obviously. You sugar coat it but the truth is states are taking away that right more and more. This is what the right wing wants, and it definitely hurts women more than it helps anybody. In fact it doesn’t help anybody except non sentient fetuses that you won’t care about once they’re born. They could be a victim of another mass shooting for all you care.
Wrong we do not want to hurt women., but we want to protect children denied a abortion because your to stupid to use birth control is not hurting women .
Wrong we do not want to hurt women., but we want to protect children denied an abortion because your to stupid to use birth control is not hurting women .
You don’t protect the kids dying in mass shootings. They matter more than fetuses I’d say. You don’t care about kids in Gaza. Not really consistent with “protecting kids”. Out of all the ways kids die you choose the least worst to be against.
Only a pregnant woman should have the absolute right to choose whether or not to reproduce. Not states, not politicians, not the bloody Supreme Court.