Is NY Mayor Bloomberg a socialist?


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Im sure yall heard the news hes banning sugar drinks. Why didnt he stop there and ban beer too? When you ban beer youre taking the drunks off the streets. Shouldnt he just ban beer so you cut down drunk driving in NYC? Anyway,,This will hurt Mayor Bloomberg in the election not only hes in big trouble with the Unions hes in big trouble with African American voters too whos being hurt who cant drink sugar pop. Remember that movie ""Miracle on 34th Street''? Heres what the Judges friend remind him ""You go right ahead and rule theres no Santy Claus,, The only votes youll get is is one from yourself and from that district attorney ""
yes, he's a euro styled socialist. they need better. not sure how big a problem drunk driving is there. not everyone owns cars and he collects big sin taxes on beer.
Bloomberg is a dictator. He's banned salt, fats, feeding the homeless and now 32oz drinks. It's so stupid too, what's going to stop someone from buying 2 16oz drinks or refilling the 16oz? Did he ban that too?
Bloomberg is a dictator. He's banned salt, fats, feeding the homeless and now 32oz drinks. It's so stupid too, what's going to stop someone from buying 2 16oz drinks or refilling the 16oz? Did he ban that too?

bet those 40oz bottle of beer are still available.

Bloomberg is a dictator. He's banned salt, fats, feeding the homeless and now 32oz drinks. It's so stupid too, what's going to stop someone from buying 2 16oz drinks or refilling the 16oz? Did he ban that too?
Regulations always require more regulations to stem the rising tide of aversion and unintended consequences. And since the politicians dont really have the foggiest idea what they are doing it is a never ending game of whack-a-mole.
Fried chicken and watermelon were favorite foods in the Med-West and the South. They have nothing to do with race. I don't know how they got associated with African Americans.
Fried chicken and watermelon were favorite foods in the Med-West and the South. They have nothing to do with race. I don't know how they got associated with African Americans.

those negros moved north and took their eating habits with them. and no, coincidental that they've been associated with race or perhaps stoked by "soul food" back in the 70's or so. I had fried chicken for lunch yesterday and the missus is addicted to watermelon. (we're Caucasian) (well the missus is related to Pocahontas, got the family tree to show it, so I guess that makes her Native American)
When I was growing up, (in California) fried chicken was a favorite Sunday dinner meal. We always took it on picnics too.

Nanny Blooming Idiot is now looking at reducing the size of popcorn sold in theaters, and also looking to reduce the size of milk based drinks like milk-shakes. These people aren't going to stop until they have everyone living on carrot sticks.