If theres a god then,, HES AN IDOIT!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
How come he allows the good and nicest people to die early but he lets bad people roam around the earth til 90s around 100s? Like Several former Nazi soldiers are still living and evil doers like Saddam and Bin Laden roam around the earth until we kill em. How can he allow nice guys like John Ritter and James Gandolfini die too soon? How come hes allowing Obama and Putin keep on giving? Theyre both assholes like the lord himself! So why is he allowing nice people to die soon and assholes,Morons and Jerks still get to roam the earth?
to piss you off Steve.

He is a hands off sort. And sometimes sh*t just happens. Especially for Tony Soprano, did you see what his last meal was ? Pure heart attack on a plate.
to piss you off Steve.

He is a hands off sort. And sometimes sh*t just happens. Especially for Tony Soprano, did you see what his last meal was ? Pure heart attack on a plate.
This is heart attack on a plate


Gandolfini also enjoyed back-to-back orders of fried (King) prawns slathered with mayonnaise chili sauce — as well as a heaping portion of foie gras.

and he was drinking heavily. clearly he enjoyed food, too much for his own good sadly.
Get a decent health service and stop the weirdoes forcing people to be born. If there were a God, why should he be bothered with American politics and odd stuff like that?
That's why Americans voted for OBAMA they want socialism like in europe

Did you go to school?

Did you pay for it?

Most people in most countries now get free education

Most people think that is a very good thing

By the somewhat ludicrous definitions you use this free education is a socialist policy so perhaps you should start campaigning against free education

Then everyone could see how deranged your views are