If the right cares so much about the "bribes" to get to 60 votes

It is important what you do... although I also understand ASPCA's frustration.

The fact is when the Progressives stop talking then that the only noise in the room is from the Right... all too often the farthest out Lunatic Right.

Providing information and debunking disinformation is most important not only because fence sitters & Independents hear your case but even the other side knows you'll call them out on a lie publicly in a pair of seconds!

People don't drink the sand because they're thirsty. They drink the sand because they don't know the difference.

Oh no, y'all keep it up ! There are a few left in the mushy middle to drive right ! Even better if you can have Joe Biden released for some of his stand up humor. Did the SS tell Obama where they kept Cheney or something ? He's been MIA for some time now.
If you think what passes for Congress today bears any resemblance to "the original group" you really need to consider reading up on their history.

I would prefer to see more "you lie" and a lot less closed door cronyism.

OH, YES...back in that 'good ole days' when the opposing party would pay for a full page ad/cartoon/complete personality assassination against the opposition, and if a newspaper either refused or couldn't be had they would just purchase their own paper and run their editorials as they saw fit...ya, back in those 'good ole days' :rolleyes:

You don't often come across as sooooo 'Pollyanna Naive' but when you do...WOW, you do it up really well ;)
The death watch is up on Nelson. Love it. Americans are finally coming to their senses...

As a fresh poll measured the political cost of Sen. Ben Nelson's health reform vote, he prepared Tuesday to take his case directly to Nebraskans during Wednesday night's Holiday Bowl game.

Nelson will air a new TV ad in which he attempts to debunk opposition claims that the Senate legislation represents a government takeover, and he makes the case for health care reform.