I think they might actually believe their own bullcrap


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2012
I believe that the bankers, politicians, and the media have actually begun to believe their own bullshit. Why wouldn't they? They've been living this lie for 5 years and it's been working. I wonder what they are going to do when all of those lies get uncovered and the people of the US realize that we are even more broke and more in debt than we were prior to the '08 collapse?

Who would have believed that you cannot spend your way out of debt? The politicians, bankers, and media will probably act shocked when it happens. Like nobody could have possibly seen this coming. Like icebergs in the N. Atlantic in April.

In the 'merica of yesteryear, we used to be able to recognize a problem, identify the cause, and apply a workable solution. Today in 'merica, the bankers have captured the politicians and the media. They don't want you to discover the problem (they commit fraud) or identify the cause (fractional banking, and inflating the money supply) or apply a workable solution. They want people to continue on, getting deeper and deeper into debt, paying steeper taxes, and being kept in the dark by their media. They want us all to carry on as though nothing has happened and it will all work itself out.

Over the last 25 years, Japan has been just as broke as we are and getting worse every year. Today, it was disclosed that they have officially broken the 1 quadrillion yen debt barrier. That is a thousand trillion. You should know that Japan did the very same thing we did in real estate, did the very thing we did when we bailed out banks, and wouldn't you know it- they have gotten the very same results that we have. Strange, huh? Is there anyone in the known universe that thinks Japan is ever going to pay that one quadrillion off? I don't, but then again- they've only had 25 years to do so. Maybe we should give them another 25 years.

The problem with believing your own bullshit is that it always fails. It works until it doesn't. Doesn't is coming to a theater near all of us- very soon.... Let's all act surprised when it happens.
some stupid ones believe. others know but are gathering what rosebuds they may before it all hits the fan. then they bolt to costa rica and retire.
some stupid ones believe. others know but are gathering what rosebuds they may before it all hits the fan. then they bolt to costa rica and retire.
" gathering what rosebuds" .. you know I have only heard that phrase one other time, you will never guess who said it, My Dad.. I can't remember what we were talking about.. but the meaning was the same.. Thanks
" gathering what rosebuds" .. you know I have only heard that phrase one other time, you will never guess who said it, My Dad.. I can't remember what we were talking about.. but the meaning was the same.. Thanks

used to pertain to young ladies dilly dallying with wooers but I meant it as making a buck anyway you can while its still possible. saw an interesting article today involving the omens of the Hindenberg effect. we are hip deep in them now and have been for a long while now.
used to pertain to young ladies dilly dallying with wooers but I meant it as making a buck anyway you can while its still possible. saw an interesting article today involving the omens of the Hindenberg effect. we are hip deep in them now and have been for a long while now.
He used it in the same way... I googled it..lol