I predict Alabama will have this problem


It's a cute joke but reproductive issues are only forced on women. Not men.

Men don't want to control what other men do, if they did, no man would turn their backs on their own child. There would never be any need for child support enforcement. Men would not deny their own flesh and blood.

But reproductive issues aren't equal. Men can make as women pregnant as they want. They don't have to be a father or dad to a child if they don't want to and the majority of men in our society have absolutely no problem with this. If they did have a problem with it, the problem would have been solved by now.

When was the last time anyone heard of legislation that forces a man to be a dad or father?
It is pretty certain that the stress of being jailed would be worse for both the woman and her child than drinking or smoking.
Nothing is more stressful to an unborn baby near full term than to have a doctor begin to carve off body parts while still inside the womb.