I Can Now Return to San Francisco--Perhaps--to Visit

Farm them.
Next good crop should be around 55 years from now.

looks like they farm well and have for quite a while. And farms have been commercial founded in the 90's


An abalone farm

Farming of abalone began in the late 1950s and early 1960s in Japan and China.[10] Since the mid-1990s, there have been many increasingly successful endeavors to commercially farm abalone for the purpose of consumption.[11] Over-fishing and poaching have reduced wild populations to such an extent that farmed abalone now supplies most of the abalone meat consumed. The principal abalone farming regions are China, Taiwan, Japan, and Korea. Abalone is also farmed in Australia, Hawaii, Canada, Chile, France,[12] Iceland, Ireland, Mexico, Namibia, New Zealand, South Africa, Thailand, and the United States.[13]
We used to get all kinds of fish caught locally. Not anymore, and it's expensive. Unbelievable to me with the Pacific ocean right out the back door.

Cool. Odd thing to eat really--it has to be beaten silly to be edible.
I used to like the abalone served by the Moon Cafe in the Haight--a grimey little place with great food--run by a Chinese family who openly fought in the restaurant--including slapping around errant grown children when they sassed Ma and Pa.
The Chinese--DO NOT--like to be disrespected by the kids. At any age.
We used to get all kinds of fish caught locally. Not anymore, and it's expensive. Unbelievable to me with the Pacific ocean right out the back door.

Look at the difference in population around the world.
When I was born--there were 2.5 billion in the world. It's now--triple that.
You can, however, still get a 5-oz. can of Star Kist Tuna for $0.80 here.
I've only eater abalone a couple of times. Lightyly breaded and fried. I remember is was pretty good. I'm more of a fan of lobster and shrimp and crab. Not so much clams or oysters. My favorite fish is halibut.
Look at the difference in population around the world.
When I was born--there were 2.5 billion in the world. It's now--triple that.
You can, however, still get a 5-oz. can of Star Kist Tuna for $0.80 here.

I only buy the solid white tuna packed in water.
I've only eater abalone a couple of times. Lightyly breaded and fried. I remember is was pretty good. I'm more of a fan of lobster and shrimp and crab. Not so much clams or oysters. My favorite fish is halibut.

Abalone is one of those that falls under the category of--much ado about nothing.
A scallop man myself. And shrimp is great.
Oddly, never liked lobster much.
Simple tastes. Fish sticks and beer-battered "filets" from Gorton's will do for me.
Crab is good--if you are on the East Coast.
We used to get all kinds of fish caught locally. Not anymore, and it's expensive. Unbelievable to me with the Pacific ocean right out the back door.

Chilean sea bass used to be commonly harvasted at 4-5'' long now its rare to see half that and they are still so hard to find that much of whats described as that is actually something else. overfishing has decimated everything edible.

thats troiuble brewin when there are no more fishes to feed the masses of hunry people.
Chilean sea bass used to be commonly harvasted at 4-5'' long now its rare to see half that and they are still so hard to find that much of whats described as that is actually something else. overfishing has decimated everything edible.

thats troiuble brewin when there are no more fishes to feed the masses of hunry people.

Low blood sugar?
rioting on a biblical scale. France expereinced this effect of lack of food and they quickly went from a monarchy to a republic. it wont be that painless in China, India, Indonesia etc.

I was referring to the remark you had typed.

But--Asia is a place where people will be eating poorly in the future.
Overpopulation--causes much of the world's difficulty.
It's a shame what happened to California. Many moons ago I was stationed in Monterey off and on for several years. I made a lot of road trips to Santa Cruz and up to San Francisco. Used to stay at the Presidio when I was up there. It was always an "interesting" part of the country but I was in the Bay Area a couple of years ago and it's just so far gone now.
It's a shame what happened to California. Many moons ago I was stationed in Monterey off and on for several years. I made a lot of road trips to Santa Cruz and up to San Francisco. Used to stay at the Presidio when I was up there. It was always an "interesting" part of the country but I was in the Bay Area a couple of years ago and it's just so far gone now.

Liberalism followed to it's inevitable conclusion--and demise.
Beautiful place.
Appalling, revolting and insane people--ego-centricity expanded to the nth power.
At one time I had 19 Army buddies who lived in California, none of them live there now. Three of them were transferred out by their employers, the other sixteen said they had to move because they couldn't put up with the insanity there anymore. They're in mostly Nevada and Arizona now. The three who were transferred said they wouldn't go back again unless they absolutely had no choice. It's just sad.