Hunter gets both barrels

the "idiot" volunteered to testify in public. why did republicans refuse. what are they afraid of?

nless you’ve been living under a rock without access to basic cable, you likely know that Fox News mainly operates as the mouthpiece of the Republican Party. Over the last several years, that’s meant a significant amount of the network’s programming has involved painting Joe Biden as a cognitively impaired criminal who is deliberately destroying the country and is either “a puppet or he’s being blackmailed.” So the fact that not one, but two of the network’s hosts have declared in the last three days that the Republican Party has zero evidence to impeach the president is pretty, pretty, pretty embarrassing for the GOP.
Lefties enjoy support from lying news propaganda run by anti-American Marxists and Stalinists, which is why so many gullible and ignorant Americans get only perversions of truth and not the unedited truth itself.
Lefties enjoy support from lying news propaganda run by anti-American Marxists and Stalinists, which is why so many gullible and ignorant Americans get only perversions of truth and not the unedited truth itself.

so fox news is now a lying propaganda outlet run by anti-american marxists and stalinists? lol.

you post the duimbest things
where did I say hunter never did anything wrong, moron?
its amazing the lies you make up about me. lol.

feel free to post anything i said about that. but you wont, liar
By your statements I can only surmise you want to be Hunter Biden's cellmate and have "bunking privileges" with him.
By your statements I can only surmise you want to be Hunter Biden's cellmate and have "bunking privileges" with him.

by your statements I can only surmise you are a moron, obsessed with gay men having sex. lol