Heavy Republican House dist in NY goes Dem..

1-last I looked, health reform is still on the table
2-if your too stupid to add ".com" nothing I can say will help you
3-national health care would eliminate illegals getting care
4-all these costs would end with a national health care system, or would you rather the insurance companies continue to have the largest lobbies in the states?
7-if the insurance companies competed within the states, competition would lower the cost, but they are free to raise cost and lower service because the customer has no other game in town. The insurance companies compete with each other by screwing the customer for more profit to make their stock look better. The unfunded perscription drug bill passed by Bush was a windfall for the drug companies, look at their stock vs the market since 2005
8-I don't know if you know this, but the price of milk is regulated nationally, if you were a farmer, you would see more similarity than not. But you see what you want.
Oh, I forgot, Obama's presidental order stipulating the Stupak wording is good as long as Obama is president. If you don't like it, vote a Rep. as pres in 2012. As in all legislation, it can be changed by congress or the president or even the supreme court, so your objection is meaningless. Obama threw you a bone and you whined, what more do you want? (a white president, I know)