Have a listen to these nutters.

You're a liar. You have nothing but hate and delusions.
Why hasn't you evidence been presented to the courts?
How can you have evidence the court system doesn't?
You are a liar.
Why has evidence not been presented to the courts? You should know courts do not do forensics investigations into such hot potato subjects as voter fraud that might spark a race riot if the fraud is proven in court.
Why has evidence not been presented to the courts? You should know courts do not do forensics investigations into such hot potato subjects as voter fraud that might spark a race riot if the fraud is proven in court.
They courts aren't frightened to put a past POTUS in trial and that should indicate to anyone with a functioning neuron they have perused the evidence and preceded to charge the idiot.
How would any of this cause a race riot? How is race involved? That makes no sense.

Chutkin isnt frightened of your immature threats. She and Smith have trump by the balls and will start to squeeze soon.
They courts aren't frightened to put a past POTUS in trial and that should indicate to anyone with a functioning neuron they have perused the evidence and preceded to charge the idiot.
How would any of this cause a race riot? How is race involved? That makes no sense.

Chutkin isnt frightened of your immature threats. She and Smith have trump by the balls and will start to squeeze soon.
Democrat and deep state judges do not fear unjustly jailing conservatives and lying about voting fraud, but they do fear the wrath of the Democrat and deep state status quo mob if they do anything that might help expose the Democrat crimes and corruption.
Democrat and deep state judges do not fear unjustly jailing conservatives and lying about voting fraud, but they do fear the wrath of the Democrat and deep state status quo mob if they do anything that might help expose the Democrat crimes and corruption.
I expected a reply without supporting evidence.
It's all some big conspiracy.
USA is full of nutters.
I expected a reply without supporting evidence.
It's all some big conspiracy.
USA is full of nutters.

Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures (msn.com) 12-2-23

State Of The Union

Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures

Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures© Provided by State Of The Union

An Arizona judge denied Kari Lake’s request to review ballot envelope signatures for the 2022 general election, citing concerns about public confidence in the electoral process.

The judge sided with Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who argued that releasing the signatures would compromise voter privacy and election security. ...
Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures (msn.com) 12-2-23

State Of The Union

Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures

Judge Rules on Kari Lake’s Review Of 2022 Ballot Envelope Signatures© Provided by State Of The Union
An Arizona judge denied Kari Lake’s request to review ballot envelope signatures for the 2022 general election, citing concerns

Note that? Public concerns. Not proof.

about public confidence in the electoral process.

The judge sided with Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, who argued that releasing the signatures would compromise voter privacy and election security. ...
Still not evidence. Have another go dickhead.
Still not evidence. Have another go dickhead.
You fail to understand why courts rejected voter fraud cases in 2020, just days or weeks after the election but long before responsible investigations could be done. You fail to acknowledge that Democrats had to be restrained by court order from erasing data on voting machines shortly after the election. And you fail to mention so much more.
You fail to understand why courts rejected voter fraud cases in 2020, just days or weeks after the election but long before responsible investigations could be done. You fail to acknowledge that Democrats had to be restrained by court order from erasing data on voting machines shortly after the election. And you fail to mention so much more.
There was no fraud.
You are delusional.