Had enough of obamanomics?

The real sad truth is, based on their records, both Bush and Obama are dismal failures as leaders of a great nation.
....All things being relative....of course.


Daddy's Lil' Dumbya never managed to downsize his lifestyle (after George Sr. & Babs turned ALL babysitting-duties over to the U.S. taxpayer$)....


....and, now.....Obama's TRYIN' to make the Teabaggers (ESPECIALLY Michele Bachmann) understand that....making the Minimum Monthly Payment$ (on the balance), AIN'T GETTIN' THE JOB DONE!!!!
The leftists can't handle the truth, so now they are resorting to the "don't look behind the curtain" strategy by "shooting the messenger" and/or trying to divert everybody away from the FACTS with cute little cartoons, pretty colors, and PhotoShop nonsense.

Maybe this strategy would work with pre-school kids, but not with adults.

Shaman, you are very talented with the cartoons and colors and PhotoShop stuff. Why don't you get a job at a pre-school, where your talents would matter and maybe have a purpose.

Just for the record, Barack Hussein Obama is the President Of The United States, and he has been President for almost 2 1/2 years now. The "We Hate Bush" stuff is outdated, passe', and belongs in the "Leftist Museum Of Hatred and Hypocrisy".
The leftists can't handle the truth, so now they are resorting to the "don't look behind the curtain" strategy by "shooting the messenger" and/or trying to divert everybody away from the FACTS.....
Gee....."conservative"-rhetoric. Who saw that coming?

The leftists can't handle the truth, so now they are resorting to the "don't look behind the curtain" strategy by "shooting the messenger" and/or trying to divert everybody away from the FACTS with cute little cartoons, pretty colors, and PhotoShop nonsense.

Maybe this strategy would work with pre-school kids, but not with adults.

Shaman, you are very talented with the cartoons and colors and PhotoShop stuff. Why don't you get a job at a pre-school, where your talents would matter and maybe have a purpose.

Just for the record, Barack Hussein Obama is the President Of The United States, and he has been President for almost 2 1/2 years now. The "We Hate Bush" stuff is outdated, passe', and belongs in the "Leftist Museum Of Hatred and Hypocrisy".

OK. Another rant. How about some truth? Real truth.

There is a reason that somewhere around 122% of Americans still blame GW Bush for this economy, and are still blaming Republicans for forcing attention to all the wrong solutions.

Anywhere you look, Americans are blaming Republicans for this mess, and blaming Republicans for making the mess worse.

OK. Another rant. How about some truth? Real truth.

There is a reason that somewhere around 122% of Americans still blame GW Bush for this economy, and are still blaming Republicans for forcing attention to all the wrong solutions.

Anywhere you look, Americans are blaming Republicans for this mess, and blaming Republicans for making the mess worse.

.....Which begs the question....


Did you Teabaggers, out there, (even) SUGGEST that, to The DICK; Armey????? :confused:
The eternal whine of the koolaid klass:

"Wahhhhh.......... don't blame us, the republicans were in before obozo, in 2010, no wait, 2009, no no no 2008, and that's our permanent excuse for failure.................wahhhhhhhh!" :D
You "conservative"-neophytes are tooooooooooo amusing....when you have such a limited point-o'-reference....


January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."

Maybe you'll cover this, before you get out o' Elementary School.​
OK. Another rant. How about some truth? Real truth.

There is a reason that somewhere around 122% of Americans still blame GW Bush for this economy, and are still blaming Republicans for forcing attention to all the wrong solutions.

Anywhere you look, Americans are blaming Republicans for this mess, and blaming Republicans for making the mess worse.


Not sure where this chart comes from, but I will assume it is true.

Even with what, do you really think Obama is going to win reelection by campaigning against Bush again?
Not sure where this chart comes from, but I will assume it is true.

Even with what, do you really think Obama is going to win reelection by campaigning against Bush again?
I don't think it's necessary.....anymore.

"Republicans howl that President Obama has exploded the size of federal government spending in his short tenure as President, and it is true that he has increased it. But President Bush actually increased federal spending by more than 2X as much as Obama has."

I don't think it's necessary.....anymore.


If you think comparing 8 years to less than 3 years is a valid comparison, then so be it. :rolleyes:

If you really think Dems can win on an anti-Bush message, by all means give it a shot.
Not sure where this chart comes from, but I will assume it is true.

Even with what, do you really think Obama is going to win reelection by campaigning against Bush again?

First, I'm not sure he will win reelection. Big money is too powerful, and the meager contribution I can make to his campaign doesn't stand a chance next to Koch brothers!

Second, if he wins reelection, it is not campaigning against Bush. . .it is campaigning on the same stupid ideologies and failed economics that Bush allowed to thrive during his administration, and that the GOP want to continue.

It could also be that the Republican primaries are won by the like of Bachmann or another extreme right "let's go back to the 18th century world" type of crazy. . .if the tea party has become strong enough of his own to take the tail of the dog back from the hands of the smart GOP (yes, I believe when the tea party began, this "grass root" movement was actually choreographed by the GOP party. . .the tail that wags the dog. . .but the smart, cunning part of the GOP is learning that, instead of the "sorcerer" in the story, they have turned out to be "the sorcerer's apprentice," and they don't know how to control the rest of the story!).

If that is the case, Obama will just walk away with the presidency, because I do not believe that there are that many uneducated and stupid people in America to elect an extremist (political extremist, religious extremist) to the White House!
First, I'm not sure he will win reelection. Big money is too powerful, and the meager contribution I can make to his campaign doesn't stand a chance next to Koch brothers!

Second, if he wins reelection, it is not campaigning against Bush. . .it is campaigning on the same stupid ideologies and failed economics that Bush allowed to thrive during his administration, and that the GOP want to continue.

It could also be that the Republican primaries are won by the like of Bachmann or another extreme right "let's go back to the 18th century world" type of crazy. . .if the tea party has become strong enough of his own to take the tail of the dog back from the hands of the smart GOP (yes, I believe when the tea party began, this "grass root" movement was actually choreographed by the GOP party. . .the tail that wags the dog. . .but the smart, cunning part of the GOP is learning that, instead of the "sorcerer" in the story, they have turned out to be "the sorcerer's apprentice," and they don't know how to control the rest of the story!).

If that is the case, Obama will just walk away with the presidency, because I do not believe that there are that many uneducated and stupid people in America to elect an extremist (political extremist, religious extremist) to the White House!

Well, I can agree that Obama could win reelection...I am simply saying if the Left makes the case of "Bush this and Bush that", then even a poor Republican candidate could probably beat Obama.

That aside, if we nominate someone like Michelle Bachmann, I will probably be voting 3rd party again this year, so I agree that you are definitely right that she would not win.
If you think comparing 8 years to less than 3 years is a valid comparison, then so be it. :rolleyes:
So.....you mentioned that to the Teabaggers, when they insisted Obama's first-two-years cemented his legacy as a failure????


So.....you mentioned that to the Teabaggers, when they insisted Obama's first-two-years cemented his legacy as a failure????

"Teabaggers" (I guess you still get a kick out of that?) were judging his actions over the first two years. If you want to draw a comparison to Bush, you have to compare over the same time frame in office.​
"Teabaggers" (I guess you still get a kick out of that?) were judging his actions over the first two years. If you want to draw a comparison to Bush, you have to compare over the same time frame in office.

OK. Lets compare. GW
  • had a terrorist attack with 3,000+ lives lost
  • turned job growth into job losses,
  • started a mild recession,
  • acted to extend & expand that recession, and
  • prepared to attack the wrong country.

All in his first two years. This compares favorably with Obama in what way?