Ground Zero Building Catches Fire, Doesn't Collapse

You sure seem to think you know everything about me.

Are you denying that you're not a demolitions expert?

I'm not going to "do my own homework." Unlike you, I'm a skeptic: it's your job to convince me. Telling me to look at a video to find what you describe as obvious proof of conspiracy, despite the fact I've seen many videos many times and seen no such proof, is not convincing me.

So, what are these explosions you're talking about? Surely you can manage something as simple as looking up a video on youtube, posting the link here, and giving me an actual timestamp (i.e., 3:14 or 1:48) where these explosions are evident.
First of all,

I do NOT see anywhere that Keep Our freedoms has proclaimed that she has "PROOF" of anything? this is a common tact when it comes to "debates" in this area. the problem with your angle is that neither KOF or anyone else is telling you they have "PROOF" of anything

this is what they are TRYING to find the Truth or the "smoking gun" proof
and which i can assure you that when someone does finally come up with irrefutable undeniable proof..........they wont be wasting theyre time here bestowing it upon the like of us

what KOF has done is answer to some questions and provide some items that support her OPINION which last time i checked she is completly entitled to
as well are you entitled your opinion..............but to make the statement that she is bringing you "proof" of something is misleading and counter productive to a debate
I do NOT see anywhere that Keep Our freedoms has proclaimed that she has "PROOF" of anything? this is a common tact when it comes to "debates" in this area. the problem with your angle is that neither KOF or anyone else is telling you they have "PROOF" of anything

Wanna bet? He posted this:

Listen girl. Go see if you can find the videos that were made that day. You can see them for yourself.

It's at the end of page 2, of 4 pages -- not exactly buried. He wouldn't be telling me to look up videos myself if he weren't convinced it would lend some credibility to his point.

It's not like I'm asking for rigid mathematical proofs here (I've already made clear I don't expect anything nearly that strenuous from the 9/11 troofer crowd). All I'm asking for is some reason to believe what he's saying has any validity at all. He has not even lifted a finger to provide anything in that regard. The closest he can get to it is a casual mention of a video which, he claims, has everything I need to be convinced of a conspiracy -- even though I have seen numerous such videos of the collisions on 9/11 and remain skeptical as ever.

what KOF has done is answer to some questions and provide some items that support her OPINION which last time i checked she is completly entitled to

ZOMG, I could throttle you ditzy libertarian nutbags every time you trot out your First Amendment rights, as if it somehow legitimizes your douchebaggery.

Hey, you're entitled to be wrong, stupid, unpatriotic, and paranoid -- I have not once questioned that. All I've done is exercise my equal right to demand to be convinced.

And for the record, if KoF would do anything like answer some questions or provide some items that support his opinion, we could've settled this dispute pages ago. Instead he's repeating the silly old "look it up yourself" meme, which I have done, and remain unconvinced that his point has any value.
Wanna bet? He posted this:

First of all lets get a few things straight in the conversation ok?
It isnt a "HE", Keep our Freedoms is a GAL and a Texan at that....... so your debating with a gal ,who in all probability is older than you as well.

It's at the end of page 2, of 4 pages -- not exactly buried. He wouldn't be telling me to look up videos myself if he weren't convinced it would lend some credibility to his point. just because she asked you to look up videos does NOT in any way shape or form, say that she has told you she had any "Proof"
what she asked you to do was to watch the videos so that you yourself could SEE what it is she is discussing......the fact that she asked you to look them up has no bearing at all on whether she has allegedly provided "Proof" this is a common dirty debate tactic .....

It's not like I'm asking for rigid mathematical proofs here (I've already made clear I don't expect anything nearly that strenuous from the 9/11 troofer crowd). All I'm asking for is some reason to believe what he's saying has any validity at all. He has not even lifted a finger to provide anything in that regard. The closest he can get to it is a casual mention of a video which, he claims, has everything I need to be convinced of a conspiracy -- even though I have seen numerous such videos of the collisions on 9/11 and remain skeptical as ever.

as i stated your welcomed to believe what you want............where you leave the common ground is when you then begin to assail others positions and not allow them the same freedom to theyre opinions....again a common debate tactic with beginners. because she decided to post her opinions on what happened that day, does not mean that she is required to "
Prove" Anything. what she has done is state her opinions and substantiate her opinions with material she finds relevant to her position. whether or not she went into any detalis has no bearing at all whatsoever

just as your entitled to think shes crazy or wrong or whatever........she in turn is entitled to her opinions and beliefs

ZOMG, I could throttle you ditzy libertarian nutbags every time you trot out your First Amendment rights, as if it somehow legitimizes your douchebaggery.

Hey, you're entitled to be wrong, stupid, unpatriotic, and paranoid -- I have not once questioned that. All I've done is exercise my equal right to demand to be convinced.

ha you see my friend here is where much of your problems lie ...........first of all im NOT a Libretarian, Nor am i a Liberal, nor am i a conservative.........
Im not even a "Patriotic American" as you so lamely referred to..........
im far worse than all of that friend................

i am an "American Patriot"..........

a TRUE independent , a True Keeper of Freedoms.......i didnt refer to any first ammendmant rights, i referred to the common laws of civilized men. which entitle each and every man theyre own thoughts, and opinions as afforded by the laws of life.......

for the record I think your a brainwashed sheeople with no possibility of redemption, i also think your stupid as hell and dont have a clue. But until you decided to attack my position which you had no knowledge of i hadnt mentioned it .......i simply mentioned that all people are entitled theyre opinios whether right wrong left right whatever the case may be........something YOU are unwilling to grasp therefore it is YOU who is guilty of the douchebaggery my friend.......

Un patriotic? you dont know me? or the first thing about me?

you dont have a Clue as to the differences between a patriotic American, And an American Patriot

And for the record, if KoF would do anything like answer some questions or provide some items that support his opinion, we could've settled this dispute pages ago. Instead he's repeating the silly old "look it up yourself" meme, which I have done, and remain unconvinced that his point has any value.

good for you your entitled your opinion thanks for voicing it
I'm not sure either way about 9/11. which always gets to me about debates like this. people are so polarized. You either certainly know it was the terrorists or vice versa the USA government. Noone can know either way as there is compelling evidence for both sides and neither side can fully dismiss the others 'evidence' anyway rant finished so heres my question. WHY IS THERE NO FOOTAGE OF THE ATTACK ON THE PENTAGON. Ok there is, so why is it all confiscated. if the government has nothing to hide and I am not saying they do so please don't attack me from either side of the debate. Why won't they release it and why was it confiscated in the first place?
poopoopoopoo *cough* bull****youfailgeneralphysics

listen, you're a real bit of work, believing that crap. Jp-8, what airplanes run on, is kerosene based, with a bit of preignition/icing reduction etc. It burns around 800-1500F, steel reduces to 50% it's structural integrity at about 1100F . I don't see the problem here. Dry wall (not sure the temp it burns at, but it's not 1100F) Wood burns around 400-600 at most. Thus the strength of the steel will typically remain about the 50% mark. Then you must consider that the concrete itself is part of the structure and having steel as the skeletal system of the concrete shell, when this steel expands it'll crack the concrete, reducing the strength of the concrete, all this together is what causes collapse. Typical office structure fires simply won't collapse when the fuel is nothing but low temp burning wood/drywall. seriously, I know I'm not going to change your mind, but you're none the less silly, and felt I needed to remind you.

I see people of this crowd saying "I'm a patriot" and calling "US" sheeple who believe what we're told. It seems the inverse is true, you believe all this crap without so much as an ounce of empirical evidence, the evidence you thrust at us is evidence of speculation, not even evidence!....
I'm not sure either way about 9/11. which always gets to me about debates like this. people are so polarized. You either certainly know it was the terrorists or vice versa the USA government. Noone can know either way as there is compelling evidence for both sides and neither side can fully dismiss the others 'evidence' anyway rant finished so heres my question. WHY IS THERE NO FOOTAGE OF THE ATTACK ON THE PENTAGON. Ok there is, so why is it all confiscated. if the government has nothing to hide and I am not saying they do so please don't attack me from either side of the debate. Why won't they release it and why was it confiscated in the first place?

It's not about Polarity, in the sense that I trust the government not to do that, it's more along the lines of the evidence that is given BY those 911 conspiracy guys, is easily disputable, although it borders religious zealousness in arguing with them, as any evidence that completely makes their conjecture wrong, is denied as "Government lies" or by trying to make up science to explain why that isn't valid, or by simple deus ex machina.

To answer your question, here
stuff such as this get the "It's doctored video!!" response from the conspiracy crowd, which is a real shoddy argument for something.
The beginning of this thread was "Ground zero Building Catches Fire, Doesn't Collapse"

This has yet to be answered, that is WHY did both towers "collapse" straight down and into complete destruction? It takes energy to pulverize mass quantities of material such as was observed, and it takes energy to break steel beams. and it takes energy to eject material 60 meters beyond the tower.
Where did all that energy come from? do tell.......

A! bust the emperor for INDECENT EXPOSURE!