Genocide Joe is going to be the biggest loser.

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
I never thought I’d see the election year where I gleefully want to see the democrat lose. But Joe Biden has brought me to that point somehow. He has forever ruined America’s image for human rights and that’s going to mean a lot going forward. As he faces another uncommitted vote this April he’s still being such a fucking idiot. This is going to hit his legacy so hard. I would’ve hoped he was smart enough to at least see that. Only through actions, not words can one redeem themselves of a crisis of this magnitude. But stubborn he is for support of Israel. It’s clear he was always designed to be more a president for the republicans than the democrats, whether the republicans appreciated it or not, many of which wouldn’t even understand it if told so. But for many democrats it’s becoming very clear he is the secret republican nominee. A vote for Joe, even if he wins, is still a vote for a world where someone like Trump will just come back again anyways. He’s not the solution at all. He’s a small victory that deteriorates in the face of the need for real change in this world. I hope he has to face a booing crowd when he loses. And then I hope democrats can become a stronger party when this coward gets put in his place. A stronger party that can actually defeat people like Trump for good. And not just temporarily and pathetically selling out to do it.
I never thought I’d see the election year where I gleefully want to see the democrat lose. But Joe Biden has brought me to that point somehow. He has forever ruined America’s image for human rights and that’s going to mean a lot going forward. As he faces another uncommitted vote this April he’s still being such a fucking idiot. This is going to hit his legacy so hard. I would’ve hoped he was smart enough to at least see that. Only through actions, not words can one redeem themselves of a crisis of this magnitude. But stubborn he is for support of Israel. It’s clear he was always designed to be more a president for the republicans than the democrats, whether the republicans appreciated it or not, many of which wouldn’t even understand it if told so. But for many democrats it’s becoming very clear he is the secret republican nominee. A vote for Joe, even if he wins, is still a vote for a world where someone like Trump will just come back again anyways. He’s not the solution at all. He’s a small victory that deteriorates in the face of the need for real change in this world. I hope he has to face a booing crowd when he loses. And then I hope democrats can become a stronger party when this coward gets put in his place. A stronger party that can actually defeat people like Trump for good. And not just temporarily and pathetically selling out to do it.
America hates the left. This is not is not psychologically sound. It is like double speak propaganda.
It comes down to this: if you want to see what "Dictatorship for a Day" looks like, vote for Trump.

He says in that ONE SINGLE DAY, he is going to SEAL the border with Mexico, and Drill, Baby Drill.

HOWEVER: the Mexico/US border is the most often crossed border on Planet Earth. There is a never ending stream of goods crossing this border 24/7. It has never been entirely closed for more than a couple of days. Sealing the Mexico/US border is actually impossible and Trump does not have the power to do it. He did not even try when he was president.

As for Drill baby drill, that is also absurd: US presidents do not determine when and where to drill for petroleum: that is determined by oil drilling companies. The US is presently pumping a LOT more oil out of the ground than it ever did when Trump was president. But the president only has a limited power to allow drilling on land that belongs to the US government, as offshore oil fields. No one in Florida wants oil drilling off the coast of Florida, because that would almost certainly involve oil spills on beaches in Florida and in the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Trump is a pompous ass who wants to be dictator for far more than a day. Idiot trumplings are already discussing how Trump should be allowed to run in 2028 for a third term, in violation of the Constitution.

Biden is the only sane choice for president.
It comes down to this: if you want to see what "Dictatorship for a Day" looks like, vote for Trump.

He says in that ONE SINGLE DAY, he is going to SEAL the border with Mexico, and Drill, Baby Drill.

HOWEVER: the Mexico/US border is the most often crossed border on Planet Earth. There is a never ending stream of goods crossing this border 24/7. It has never been entirely closed for more than a couple of days. Sealing the Mexico/US border is actually impossible and Trump does not have the power to do it. He did not even try when he was president.

As for Drill baby drill, that is also absurd: US presidents do not determine when and where to drill for petroleum: that is determined by oil drilling companies. The US is presently pumping a LOT more oil out of the ground than it ever did when Trump was president. But the president only has a limited power to allow drilling on land that belongs to the US government, as offshore oil fields. No one in Florida wants oil drilling off the coast of Florida, because that would almost certainly involve oil spills on beaches in Florida and in the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Trump is a pompous ass who wants to be dictator for far more than a day. Idiot trumplings are already discussing how Trump should be allowed to run in 2028 for a third term, in violation of the Constitution.

Biden is the only sane choice for president.
Beating people over the head with “well Trump will be your president if you don’t vote” isn’t going to work this time. For people that are against the genocide, the country simply doesn’t matter anymore. We are disgusted by America.
There really needs to be some introspection on your part concerning your beliefs. Did you take the covid shot? How many boosters?
Beating people over the head with “well Trump will be your president if you don’t vote” isn’t going to work this time. For people that are against the genocide, the country simply doesn’t matter anymore. We are disgusted by America.
Tell us what Trump would do that Biden has not.
Domestic politics has always been more important to voters than anything done outside the country.

The reality is that Trump, a bungling ignoramus narcissist is the only possible alternative to Biden.
And Biden is by far better than Trump .
Tell us what Trump would do that Biden has not.
Domestic politics has always been more important to voters than anything done outside the country.

The reality is that Trump, a bungling ignoramus narcissist is the only possible alternative to Biden.
And Biden is by far better than Trump .
It’s not about what Trump would do different. All that matters is what Biden is doing. Genocide is the crime of all crimes. They are both going to be the same with Israel. The only difference is Trump isn’t going to pretend to care like Biden.
It’s not about what Trump would do different. All that matters is what Biden is doing. Genocide is the crime of all crimes. They are both going to be the same with Israel. The only difference is Trump isn’t going to pretend to care like Biden.
There are only two choices: Trump or Biden.
If not Trump, Biden. If not Biden Trump.

Biden is not killing Palestinians, and it is clear that Netanyahu has chosen to refrain from launching an attack on Rafah precisely because of what Biden has told him.

We know Trump would never do that. What is it that Trump does?

There are only two choices: Trump or Biden.
If not Trump, Biden. If not Biden Trump.

Biden is not killing Palestinians, and it is clear that Netanyahu has chosen to refrain from launching an attack on Rafah precisely because of what Biden has told him.

We know Trump would never do that. What is it that Trump does?

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You clearly enjoy a two party system. There’s only one way to break that cycle though. And there’s only one way to get rid of Zionism in our politics and it’s to starve establishment candidates funded by AIPAC of votes. If I’m feeling less cynical come Election Day I’ll be voting for Cornel West.