Gas prices are comming down

No,, He can make a speech to impose a bill to require US start drilling ANWR Along add a pipeline to 3 differant routes to the main 48 states. And require US build 6 new refineries

1 Nevada for west coast
1 in New Mexico for southwest
1 in Georgia south southeast
1 in Maryland for Northeast
1 in Wisconsin north
1 in Montana in plains

There you add more jobs and help improve the economy .

And, being a socialist and all, he has no problem with the government building refineries, right?
No,, He can make a speech to impose a bill to require US start drilling ANWR Along add a pipeline to 3 differant routes to the main 48 states. And require US build 6 new refineries

He can "make a speech" to "impose a bill"....

You do understand how the American government works don't you? You realize that there is not simply an Executive ban on drilling in ANWR, but a Congressional ban as well?

A new pipeline would be an issue for Canada, which would take even more time. Threatening to pull out of NAFTA (your "solution") would accomplish nothing in getting anything done.

1 Nevada for west coast
1 in New Mexico for southwest
1 in Georgia south southeast
1 in Maryland for Northeast
1 in Wisconsin north
1 in Montana in plains

There you add more jobs and help improve the economy .

Do tell how this is all going to get done before November 2nd. How long exactly do you think it takes to build everything you are talking about, assuming you eliminate all the other problems with your argument?
Why does Venezuela,Saudi Arabia And Brazil have cheap gas prices? Because they have the resouces to produce gas from oil. Like have oil in your land not shipped from another country. Refineries make gas from oil. So when you have someone else suppling the engery to you pay more. Its like growing your own food. When you grow veggies in your garden you save more than paying the millionare farmer.When you raise chickens you save $$$ on eggs then paying a company $$$$ in a store. So when its home grown gasoline you save $$$ than helping Terrorist to kill people.