Fani expects immunity from charges of perjury because she is a black woman and is persecuting President Trump for the Democrat party

what unverified ballots? and even if so, maybe they were all illegal votes for trump. duh.

feel free to prove the election was stolen, so far all you have is right wing blather and whining.
Stacy Abram's sister, a judge, ruled that it violates election laws to challenge whether a voter has a legitimate right to vote in the 2020 election, so unverified voters cast unverified ballots and the Democrats stole the election.

Federal Judge Allows Unverified Voters to Cast Ballots In Georgia | News Talk WBAP-AM 12-30-20

Federal Judge Allows Unverified Voters to Cast Ballots In Georgia

Posted on December 30, 2020

(WBAP/KLIF) — A Texas-based conservative group is fighting to stop potential election fraud in Georgia ahead of two senate runoff races next week.

“True the Vote” has coordinated voter challenges in all 159 Georgia counties, contesting illegal voting of non-residents in the state’s election.

However, the group was dealt a blow by a Democrat Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who ordered Georgia election officials to allow voting by more than 4,000 people whose eligibility had been challenged by local election officials.

The U.S. District Court Judge ordered, Monday, that denying voters access to a ballot so close to an election would violate the National Voter Registration Act. Abrams Gardner is the sister of Stacey Abrams.

Fani expects immunity from charges of perjury because she is a black woman and is persecuting President Trump for the Democrat party​

Not to worry.....JESUS-FREAKS TO THE RESCUE!!!
"I'll tell you what's become of our country since we spat in God's face and ignored the divine gift of slavery. It's gone downhill ever since."
Face it. Democrats have not proven unverified ballots were legitimate and yet they are prosecuting President Trump on the false premise that Democrats have proven the tens of thousands of unverified GA ballots have been verified.
Right wing blather lol
Stacy Abram's sister, a judge, ruled that it violates election laws to challenge whether a voter has a legitimate right to vote in the 2020 election, so unverified voters cast unverified ballots and the Democrats stole the election.

Federal Judge Allows Unverified Voters to Cast Ballots In Georgia | News Talk WBAP-AM 12-30-20

Federal Judge Allows Unverified Voters to Cast Ballots In Georgia

Posted on December 30, 2020

(WBAP/KLIF) — A Texas-based conservative group is fighting to stop potential election fraud in Georgia ahead of two senate runoff races next week.

“True the Vote” has coordinated voter challenges in all 159 Georgia counties, contesting illegal voting of non-residents in the state’s election.

However, the group was dealt a blow by a Democrat Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who ordered Georgia election officials to allow voting by more than 4,000 people whose eligibility had been challenged by local election officials.

The U.S. District Court Judge ordered, Monday, that denying voters access to a ballot so close to an election would violate the National Voter Registration Act. Abrams Gardner is the sister of Stacey Abrams.
True the Vote? Lol
They were busted for lying
True the Vote? Lol
They were busted for lying
Never trust a news source that is busted for lying.

Dan Rather’s Big Lie hits the big screen​


Brian Williams lied

Jayson Blair, a young Times reporter, lied and faked and cheated his way through story after story — scores of them, for years. He fabricated sources, plagiarized material from other publications, and pretended to be places he never went. The problem, once fully investigated and made public by The Times itself, brought down not only the reporter but also The Times’s executive editor and managing editor. For a while, it even made The Times a laughingstock in late-night comedy routines.

A Judge Rules Rachel Maddow is a Fake News Fabulist and Not a Journalist​


And much more.
There were no unverified ballots. Trump tried to overthrow the government even though seven million people
There were no unverified ballots. Trump tried to overthrow the government even though seven million people
No, Democrats never allowed experts to examine voting machines for evidence of fraud and Democrats never promoted joint investigations of mail in ballots to verify that no ballot was mailed in from an illegitimate source.
Never trust a news source that is busted for lying.

Dan Rather’s Big Lie hits the big screen​


Brian Williams lied

Jayson Blair, a young Times reporter, lied and faked and cheated his way through story after story — scores of them, for years. He fabricated sources, plagiarized material from other publications, and pretended to be places he never went. The problem, once fully investigated and made public by The Times itself, brought down not only the reporter but also The Times’s executive editor and managing editor. For a while, it even made The Times a laughingstock in late-night comedy routines.

A Judge Rules Rachel Maddow is a Fake News Fabulist and Not a Journalist​


And much more.
The story wasn't a lie
You say the dumbest things lol
No, Democrats never allowed experts to examine voting machines for evidence of fraud and Democrats never promoted joint investigations of mail in ballots to verify that no ballot was mailed in from an illegitimate source.
You're like a cracked record old man. You have no evidence of anything other than your hate and revenge.
No, Democrats never allowed experts to examine voting machines for evidence of fraud and Democrats never promoted joint investigations of mail in ballots to verify that no ballot was mailed in from an illegitimate source.
If Republicans had credible evidence judges could have ordered examinations
You morons were just plain stupid lol

Ps Arizona did examine machinescand found nothing
You are a liar lol
No, Democrats never allowed experts to examine voting machines for evidence of fraud and Democrats never promoted joint investigations of mail in ballots to verify that no ballot was mailed in from an illegitimate source.
Forget that rubbish. The election is over. Here's so etching you should be more concerned about.