Does Trump remind you of the 1st Capt of the USS Caine, Commander De Vriess in "The Caine Mutiny"?

Yo Daddy!

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2022
  • Captain De Vriess​

    The first captain of the Caine under whom Willie serves, he is probably the best captain to command the ship. With only an abbreviated understanding of how the Navy and ships like the Caine run, he emphasizes performance, not appearance. He makes a very accurate assessment of Willie to Keefer early in the book, saying that though Willie needs conditioning, he will turn into a competent officer. De Vriess is well liked by the crew, who present him with a silver watch upon his departure from the ship.

Commander De Vriess in "The Caine Mutiny."

Caine Mutiny Princeton Tiger (0:28)​


The Caine Mutiny (1954) - Sweep Drill Scene (1/9) | Movieclips (2:53)​

The Caine Mutiny - Sweep Drill: The crew of the Caine test their efficiency during a sweep drill.

FILM DESCRIPTION: During World War II, a dilapidated vessel, the Caine, gets a new ensign, Willis Keith (Robert Francis), and a new captain, Commander Queeg (Humphrey Bogart). The crew sees Queeg's unconventional behavior as irrational, and communications officer Thomas Keefer (Fred MacMurray) spreads suspicion about his suitability as captain. When a dire situation during a storm forces the executive officer (Van Johnson) to relieve Queeg of his duties, he and Ensign Keith are tried for mutiny.
This reminds me of the incompetent and mentally challenged Joe Biden.

I kid you not!

Caine Mutiny Queeg's First Meeting and I Kid You Not (3:54)​
