Does the Left oppose guns and love racism to distract us from recognizing their intellectual inferiority?

Yo Daddy!!

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
Another reason to possibly explain the Left's attraction to racism and their opposition to 2A

The Dems and Left are trying to distract us from seeing their inferiority.

They oppose guns, in part, because they know that too many of them can't handle it. Whereas, they see that Conservatives have no problem being responsible gun owners.

They want to avoid the natural conclusion to become commonly acknowledged that Dems are a lesser variation of human beings.

Same as they use race as a way to distract us from recognizing that THEY, the Democrat racists (not all of them are actively racist, but all Dems go along with the racism of their fellow Dems) feel they can't allow Conservatives to be recognized as superior to them.
you post the dumbest threads. lol

if your intent was to demonstrate your claimed superiority, it went the other way :)
Another reason to possibly explain the Left's attraction to racism and their opposition to 2A

The Dems and Left are trying to distract us from seeing their inferiority.

They oppose guns, in part, because they know that too many of them can't handle it. Whereas, they see that Conservatives have no problem being responsible gun owners.

They want to avoid the natural conclusion to become commonly acknowledged that Dems are a lesser variation of human beings.

Same as they use race as a way to distract us from recognizing that THEY, the Democrat racists (not all of them are actively racist, but all Dems go along with the racism of their fellow Dems) feel they can't allow Conservatives to be recognized as superior to them.
He we go again.
The self assessed doyen of intellectual capacity makes a decision as to who has more intelligence.
That instance itself points to you being in a group known for their atrophied brains.
I am a liberal. I do not believe in any progress on the gun issue at the moment. Guns are more like flags and symbols. It is not actually the function of the weapons that drives the debate. That makes it hard,
I am a liberal. I do not believe in any progress on the gun issue at the moment. Guns are more like flags and symbols. It is not actually the function of the weapons that drives the debate. That makes it hard,
Taking guns away from law-abiding Americans in order to please lawless thugs (like Hunter Biden and like mass murderers) who never obey gun laws is foolish.
Taking guns away from law-abiding Americans in order to please lawless thugs (like Hunter Biden and like mass murderers) who never obey gun laws is foolish.
Hunter Biden is a relative of a politician, he has not run for office himself. He has a huge substance abuse problem, and this has landed him in trouble. He is not a legitimate target for any campaign. If you want to argue for guns, you should present statistics which show that they lower or prevent crimes. Which is very hard to find. Guns are a flag waiving thing for the right wing. This is about identity, and has nothing to do with facts. Do you support ManU etc. It moves at that level.
Hunter Biden is a relative of a politician, he has not run for office himself. He has a huge substance abuse problem, and this has landed him in trouble. He is not a legitimate target for any campaign. If you want to argue for guns, you should present statistics which show that they lower or prevent crimes. Which is very hard to find. Guns are a flag waiving thing for the right wing. This is about identity, and has nothing to do with facts. Do you support ManU etc. It moves at that level.
It is hard to take Democrats seriously who claim defunding the police and stripping law-abiding Americans will make us safer from lawless thugs who will never give up their guns no matter how many ineffectual gun laws they pass, especially if the gun-grabbing lefties don't even obey their own gun laws (as demonstrated by Hunter Biden and Carl Rowan.
It is hard to take Democrats seriously who claim defunding the police and stripping law-abiding Americans will make us safer from lawless thugs who will never give up their guns no matter how many ineffectual gun laws they pass, especially if the gun-grabbing lefties don't even obey their own gun laws (as demonstrated by Hunter Biden and Carl Rowan.
So no statistics just whin8ng and obsession with hunter lol
I am a liberal. I do not believe in any progress on the gun issue at the moment. Guns are more like flags and symbols. It is not actually the function of the weapons that drives the debate. That makes it hard,
So what do you think is the problem if it's not the function of the weapon?
Hunter Biden is a relative of a politician, he has not run for office himself. He has a huge substance abuse problem, and this has landed him in trouble. He is not a legitimate target for any campaign. If you want to argue for guns, you should present statistics which show that they lower or prevent crimes. Which is very hard to find. Guns are a flag waiving thing for the right wing. This is about identity, and has nothing to do with facts. Do you support ManU etc. It moves at that level.
He sold foreign government and business leaders access to his POTUS dad, President Joe Biden, who did things for those rich foreigners.

Hunter's ONLY business dealing was as pimp for his Father.

And you find that to be acceptable.

You demonstrate why Democrats shouldn't be given the ASSUMPTION they are qualified to serve in public office without a thorough aptitude test at least.

It seems you have a typically foreigners' regard for the United States sense of ethics.

Because the Democrat's (who you support) morality doesn't jibe with yours, you think it's not important what a corrupt Joe Biden did with his corrupt son.

You are some kind of America hating American born citizen sellout.

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He sold foreign government and business leaders access to his POTUS dad, President Joe Biden, who did things for those rich foreigners.

Hunter's ONLY business dealing was as pimp for his Father.

And you find that to be acceptable.

You demonstrate why Democrats shouldn't be given the ASSUMPTION they are qualified to serve in public office without a thorough aptitude test at least.

It seems you have a typically foreigners' regard for the United States sense of ethics.

Because the Democrat's (who you support) morality doesn't jibe with yours, you think it's not important what a corrupt Joe Biden did with his corrupt son.

You are some kind of America hating American born citizen sellout.

Where's your evidence of all these crimes?
Your big mouth is gobbing off again.
So what do you think is the problem if it's not the function of the weapon?
The problem is to the political right guns are an issue of identity and their views are NOT based on statistics or what might be best for society. They make no attempt to show that certain gun policies reduce the levels of crime.
So no statistics just whin8ng and obsession with hunter lol
If you can support gun grabs with statistics that make sense, then do it. Disarming law-abiding Americans will never result in lawless thugs giving up their guns.
If you can support gun grabs with statistics that make sense, then do it. Disarming law-abiding Americans will never result in lawless thugs giving up their guns.

of course "disarming law abiding americans will never result in lawless thugs giving up their guns"., by definition given the words you chose. duh.

but that doesn't mean that gun laws dont save lives, *****.