Doctors concerned about Joe Biden's mental health

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

Can not blame them hes had his head operated on 2 times has a bad heart cant think right or talk right often forgets where he is or what hes saying and hes about unable to walk .I think any doctor would be concerned .

Can not blame them hes had his head operated on 2 times has a bad heart cant think right or talk right often forgets where he is or what hes saying and hes about unable to walk .I think any doctor would be concerned .
He was smart enough to annihilate Trump but that's another issue.
So people hate Trump. And you think that has subsided since? Those who changed to vote him out won't change back.
After j6 goes to the doj, they'll all be in jail.
lol Boris I never said they would stop hating trump hell my boy I don't like him either as a person he wasn't a bad president When he bea your evil queen Hillary the hag i really caused some major liberal butt hurt . I recall democrats crying about it and screaming like little kids . I always wonder if you were one of those looser on their knees crying with their hand outreached towards the sky .
That was some funny shat now.
Your inflated self opinion and ego kinda remind me of trump to be honest.
I bet you pat your self on the back every time you post like your buddy pin head
"I recall democrats crying about it and screaming like little kids"

unlike trump morons who went to washington and rioted about it and people died.
lol Boris I never said they would stop hating trump hell my boy I don't like him either as a person he wasn't a bad president When he bea your evil queen Hillary the hag i really caused some major liberal butt hurt . I recall democrats crying about it and screaming like little kids . I always wonder if you were one of those looser on their knees crying with their hand outreached towards the sky .
That was some funny shat now.
Your inflated self opinion and ego kinda remind me of trump to be honest.
I bet you pat your self on the back every time you post like your buddy pin head
Thats a very poor response but, you do have nothing else.

Can not blame them hes had his head operated on 2 times has a bad heart cant think right or talk right often forgets where he is or what hes saying and hes about unable to walk .I think any doctor would be concerned .
Well you just pointed out what most people his age has problems with.
Well you just pointed out what most people his age has problems with.
Ignore the fool. Hes as demented as all those in Dementia Central in Florida.
They wallow around in colourful shirts sedated on oxycontin, incontinence and flat wheel chair tyres. Fed through a tube. They should be pitied more than despised.