Do liberals comprehend this , seems JOe Biden is clueless about it.

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022

The installation costs alone can amount to around $100,000 making the total investment for a Level 3 EV charging station as high as $200,000 per charger.

Now just 1000 stations at the least would cost 100,000,000 . tom as much as 200.000.000 now multiply that by 500 and you have the actuals estimate is closer to
100000 × 5000000 = 500,000,000,000 at the least.

They have also not built a poer structure to produce electricity for yet its been mandated by Low IQ BIDEN .
Biden did not propose that 500,000 charging stations should be built immediately.
Transition to EV's will be gradual.

A person who wants a new car would be best off buying a hybrid at this point. I never buy new cars and drive about 5000 miles per year or less.
Biden did not propose that 500,000 charging stations should be built immediately.
Transition to EV's will be gradual.

A person who wants a new car would be best off buying a hybrid at this point. I never buy new cars and drive about 5000 miles per year or less.
Joe has mandated the impossible he's a idiot.I could care less about your DR ving habits .
Joe has mandated the impossible he's a idiot.I could care less about your DR ving habits .
He has mandated what needs to be mandated. Global Climate Change is a real threat. Again, hybrids are the way to go if a person thinks they have to have a new car. Electric cars are very popular in Miami. The charger station at Target is always filled with Teslas.

For automotive entertainment, I like watching Robot Cantina on Youtube. There is a guy in Kansas that put a Harbor Freight Predator Diesel motor in a Honda Insight. It can go 55 mph and gets around 60 mpg so far. New episodes every Sunday. He has also experimented with small Diesels in a Saturn and a Renault 10.

I realize you are here just to annoy, so I did not post this for your benefit, but someone else might enjoy it.