Democrats drop "God" from party platform

"Democratic convention descending into farce. After "booing God" debacle, delegates, and media locked out of the convention by fire marshals"

I hope Lighting strikes Obama when he speaks at the stadium. Then youll know GOD is Angry.

They moved it out of the stadium, because of rain. Ha ha. It's not going to rain, they couldn't fill the 74,000 seat stadium and moved it to a 20,000 seat arena, they didn't want any "empty chairs".
Obama fears GOD
Anyone watching the empty chair's speech tonight?

Maybe we should have a drinking game. Everytime he says "I" or "me" take a drink.
oops....I better run to the store and stock up.
Anyone watching the empty chair's speech tonight?

Maybe we should have a drinking game. Everytime he says "I" or "me" take a drink.
oops....I better run to the store and stock up.

I hear he's to compare himself to FDR, that he never said it would be quick or easy.

well he's acting much as FDR did and making a bad thing worse. why would you call attention to that ?

the lies are expected, they're constant and endless.
God is dropping democrats from His party.
Take note--Barack.

I think the fear of lightning was a ruse for what the leftists really feared.
The Sodom and Gomorrah party.
Debbie "Waterman" Schultz would be well-advised--not to look back!
Now the Democrats have dropped the mention of "God" from their party platform.

I guess it was inevitable, considering the increasing numbers of His teachings and ideas they oppose and abhor.


Exclusive: Democrats Drop 'God' From Party Platform

Guess what? God’s name has been removed from the Democratic National Committee platform.

This is the paragraph that was in the 2008 platform:

“We need a government that stands up for the hopes, values, and interests of working people, and gives everyone willing to work hard the chance to make the most of their God-given potential.”

Now the words “God-given” have been removed. The paragraph has been restructured to say this:

“We gather to reclaim the basic bargain that built the largest middle class and the most prosperous nation on Earth – the simple principle that in America, hard work should pay off, responsibility should be rewarded, and each one of us should be able to go as far as our talent and drive take us.”
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The Brody File has calls into DNC to explain why God’s name has been dropped from the platform. Some critics will suggest that when you have planks in your platform that support abortion rights and gay marriage then it's no wonder that God's name would be dropped as well.
Try and grasp this fact. Not one thing on this earth was gift from any ridiculous silly god. Not the constition, your freedoms or guns. Not conciousness nor morals. Nothing. Grow up.