"Christian" Anti-Rape Tactics

Mr. Shaman

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
.....all in one Magic Memo!!!

Women & Girls

“You may have been given this leaflet because of the way you are dressed. Have you thought about standing before the true and living God to be judged?

Scripture tells us that when a man looks on a woman to lust for her, he has already committed adultery in his heart. If you are dressed in a way that tempts a men to do this secret (or not so secret) sin, you are a participant in the sin. By the way, some rape victims would not have been raped if they had dressed properly. So can we really say they were innocent victims?

Nice loving approach to rape crisis.

To be fair though most christian women's faces are a good deterrent to men looking on them lustfully.

And, the quote doesn't mention men looking lustfully on other men, like the Catholic Priests do.

I suppose the little boys they interfere with are wearing provocotive school uniforms or are dressed as choirboys.

And what about the pope wearing a dress? That has got to be provocative to cross dressers.

Hey, do you think that the expression 'cross dressing' originated with the pope?
And if the christians think like this why don't they embrace the Burka?
Because in America it doesn't take a Burka for men not to try to screw anthing female, on two or four legs?

You see there are certain types in America that don't believe that "rape" exists. They are the society that follows the Bible in terms of women being put here for men, but scrap the rest. You can find that type in any ghetto, but not at home supporting their women and children.

Hey Rationalist, I hear that in Arab countries they have "camel beauty contests". Is that because they're better looking than the women? Lol.
300lb of US woman in lycra is not a pretty sight

No kidding. I wish those ghetto hags would look at their asses, and NOT wear bright chartreuse. Gotta love that "Church's Chicken". Of course, if you want to believe songs there are certain types that "like big butts and cannot lie"... Lol.

P.S. Hairy backs are gross too......Tell your men about "Nair". Probably should tell the women too. Lol.
Wouldn't know, never step into a church. I don't like religion either. I just don't consider faith to have to be structured. You have faith that science knows what the hell it's doing, regardless of whatever facts are fudged. Lol.

Who said the ghetto hag was poor? The drug business in the ghettos is very profitable. Am I responsible for making some woman stop eating and have a little self esteem? Am I responsible for making ANYONE feel good about themselves? Why aren't they responsible for it? Maybe your real problem is with men who like fat women. Lol.
Freakonomics has proved that drug dealers average below minimu wage and the ghetto is synonymous with poverty.

And nobody chooses poverty. It is imposed on people by the rich.

I suppose you think people choose to be born black and to be discrimintaed against in lots of ways that disadvantgae them massively.
And I think that you don't know anything about America. Here's a lesson. Ghettos are originally just pieces of land. The thing that turns them into "ghettos" are the people who conglomerate and because of social standards, culture and what is considered acceptable living conditions turn that piece of land into a slum.

For 40+ YEARS this country handed minorities jobs simply because of the color of their skin. Of course I guess "reverse" discrimination sits well with you, because "that's different".

Nobody chooses poverty. People DO choose not to WORK even when jobs are available, because it isn't the job they want, or they dont want to WORK. It's much easier to complain about what WAS than to rise up and change it.

There are a lot of professional people in this country now working more not much more than minimum wage. BUT THEY WORK at anything available.

If you think that everyone living in poverty in America is a "victim" of rich people, then you also need to learn more about human nature.

I suppose you think people choose to be born black and to be discrimintaed against in lots of ways that disadvantgae them massively

I suppose you think that people who are born mentally or physically disabled choose to be born as such. However, a lot more of these people go the extra mile that it takes to be as self sufficient as they can. It's called pride. Those who take pride in the fact that they are the residual "victims" of what people before them REALLY DID SUFFER, get sympathy for not being able to rise above despite laws enacted to specifically assist and protect them from themselves and business, but no respect. is that cool?
I am afraid you are a right wing imbecile

Black people were kidnapped from Africa, brutally treated and the few that survived and reproduced were eventually freed from slavery.

Into appaling conditions of discrimination which was legal.

It was impossible for them to get good education, jobs, a fair trial etc etc.

They were forced to live in places like New Orleans which was not considered hanitable for white people.

And although apartheid was made illgegal a few years ago the attitudes haven't.

Freakonomic proved what a racist society the US is today. And Obama's poor showing is another indicator. If he had been white he would have won a landslide.

These poor black people do not get the same opportunities as whites and poor whites do not get the same opportunities as rich whites.

You are too stupid for me to continue debating with.

Just keep spouting the nazi crap you have been soild to keep you poor and the bankers rich.