"Campaign Contributions" (One hand washing the other - Trump style)


Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2022
Ya' gotta wonder....what percentage o' this $700M "relief loan" was kicked-back to Spanky Trump.

After all....there's $729,199,770
missing.....and, SPANKY TRUMP WAS "INVOLVED"!!!!

Ya' gotta wonder....what percentage o' this $700M "relief loan" was kicked-back to Spanky Trump.

After all....there's $729,199,770
missing.....and, SPANKY TRUMP WAS"INVOLVED"!!!!

Trump gets the blame again for missing government funding he was not responsible for keeping track of. That is small potatoes compared to some of the billions of dollars that went missing while handled by Democrats, such a several billion dollars in Haiti when Bill was there handling the money, 6 billion missing from the State Dept when Hillary was the head, 3/4 of a billion dollars from NYC with the deBlasio's in charge, and so forth.
Trump gets the blame again for missing government funding he was not responsible for keeping track of. That is small potatoes compared to some of the billions of dollars that went missing while handled by Democrats, such a several billion dollars in Haiti when Bill was there handling the money, 6 billion missing from the State Dept when Hillary was the head, 3/4 of a billion dollars from NYC with the deBlasio's in charge, and so forth.
More Clinton obsession lol

We had previously given Trump Four Pinocchios for this false claim, apparently aimed at rebutting rebut news stories about the nearly $1 billion loss that he claimed in a 2005 tax return that was made public by the New York Times.

Trump misunderstands a $6 billion figure that appeared in a 2014 management alert from the State Department Inspector General. The alert summarized a variety of recent audits that indicated paperwork deficiencies in closing out contracts that were issued in Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa. But no money is missing or lost, a point that the IG emphasized in a letter to The Washington Post in 2014. Instead, the alert highlighted
missing paperwork, not dollars.

Trump is also wrong to blame Clinton. We examined the audit reports referenced in alert and concluded that easily two-thirds, or perhaps more, concerned contracts that predated Clinton’s tenure at State.

You and Trump are morons lol
Trump gets the blame again for missing government funding he was not responsible for keeping track of. That is small potatoes compared to some of the billions of dollars that went missing while handled by Democrats, such a several billion dollars in Haiti when Bill was there handling the money, 6 billion missing from the State Dept when Hillary was the head, 3/4 of a billion dollars from NYC with the deBlasio's in charge, and so forth.


US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing
Trump gets the blame again for missing government funding he was not responsible for keeping track of. That is small potatoes compared to some of the billions of dollars that went missing while handled by Democrats, such a several billion dollars in Haiti when Bill was there handling the money,
Again. You are wrong and mischievous and a liar.
Here are the facts but you dont want that. You just hate democrats. https://medium.com/the-facts-about-...linton-foundations-work-in-haiti-ef65b8ddc399
6 billion missing from the State Dept when Hillary was the head,
I love proving you wrong but you being a brain dead puppet of Trump, it's not hard. Heres some facts again. Do you ever feel the slightest embarrassment about continually been caught for lying?
How do you reconcile that with your god? Is it permitted when it's done against democrats?
Do you have any capacity to research anything? Maybe your just the idiot you appear to be.

3/4 of a billion dollars from NYC with the deBlasio's in charge, and so forth.
Well well. Heres another mischievous lie you've fabricated. Just a few clicks and you too can know the truth but you dont want that. Let's just fabricate some lies and as a Christian god will forgive me. Sound familiar?
More Clinton obsession lol

We had previously given Trump Four Pinocchios for this false claim, apparently aimed at rebutting rebut news stories about the nearly $1 billion loss that he claimed in a 2005 tax return that was made public by the New York Times.
Trying to hide Democrat thefts by falsely accusing Trump of theft is nothing but an old lying leftist trick designed to deceive the gullible into voting Democrat.


US Government Accountability Office report discovered no hint of wrongdoing
DC swamp officials found no wrongdoing by corrupt politicians? Is anyone surprised? But what do the cheated Haitian people have to say?

What Really Happened with the Clinton Foundation and Haiti? (atlantablackstar.com)

What Really Happened with the Clinton Foundation and Haiti?

Reflecting the anger against the Clintons among the Haitian-American community, on January 12, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti (Komokoda) held a protest outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in New York City. Speaking at the protest was Dahoud Andre, president of Komokoda and a radio host.

The organization says it continues to protest the Clintons because “there is still no justice despite the billions they have stolen through Bill Clinton’s position (as) UN Special Envoy to Haiti in March of 2009 in the aftermath of 4 major storms which devastated parts of our country; through the post 2010 earthquake Interim Haiti Reconstruction Commission; through foreign governments and corporations funneling hundreds of millions (most of them undisclosed) for favors from then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the Clinton Foundation under the guise of helping Haiti; and through the Clinton-Bush Fund,” Komokoda said in a press statement. In light of the announcement by the Justice Department, the group says it remains vigilant and demands a serious investigation, and that any crimes are fully prosecuted and punished. “It is itself a crime that this Justice Department prosecuted and got a conviction against Corrine Brown, Florida’s first African-American Congressperson since Reconstruction for corruption related to $800,000 from her ‘One Door for Education’ charity and yet it took them this long to even start an investigation of the Clintons,” the statement added.
Trying to hide Democrat thefts by falsely accusing Trump of theft is nothing but an old lying leftist trick designed to deceive the gullible into voting Democrat.

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I don't have any trouble defending democrats thefts because I haven't sermons proven against them.
No doubt You have some delicious gossip from a right wing religious hate magazine. I'll wait here
Again. You are wrong and mischievous and a liar.
Here are the facts but you dont want that. You just hate democrats. https://medium.com/the-facts-about-...linton-foundations-work-in-haiti-ef65b8ddc399
Let's see what others have to say about the Clintons, in contradiction to wjhat they say about themselves:


Did Clinton’s steal MILLIONS from Haiti?

By The Real Side -

Jan 14, 2018

Last summer a former Haitian official was found dead from an apparent suicide. QUESTION… Why is is that MANY MANY MANY of the people getting ready to testify against the Clintons end up dead… Hmmmmm

Haitian nationals have been protesting in front of the Clinton Foundation Headquarters for YEARS… no one is listening.. They simply want an audit of the moneys collected and spent on Haitian relief…

From the Miami Herald back in July 2017… funny Snopes says it fake! But Law enforcement says otherwise…

It’s no secret that the Clinton Foundation has been facing credible reports of robbing impoverished Haitians who were devastated by Hurricane Hanna in 2008, through their “foundation.” Haitians have been protesting for years outside of the Clinton Foundation offices over the theft of money that was donated by individuals and businesses to the Clinton Foundation that never made it to the poorest of the poor.

One man was set to testify against the Clinton Foundation next week. That man was 50 year old former Haitian government official Klaus Eberwein. He was found dead in his Miami home with a “gunshot to the head” that’s been ruled a “suicide” by the Miami-Dade’s medical examiner records supervisor. (Think Vince Foster)

Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official who was expected to expose the extent of Clinton Foundation corruption and malpractice next week, has been found dead in Miami. He was 50.

Eberwein was due to appear next Tuesday before the Haitian Senate Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission where he was widely expected to testify that the Clinton Foundation misappropriated Haiti earthquake donations from international donors.

Eberwein, who had acknowledged his life was in danger, was a fierce critic of the Clinton Foundation’s activities in the Caribbean island, where he served as director general of the government’s economic development agency, Fonds d’assistance économique et social, for three years.

According to Eberwein, a paltry 0.6% of donations granted by international donors to the Clinton Foundation with the express purpose of directly assisting Haitians actually ended up in the hands of Haitian organizations. A further 9.6% ended up with the Haitian government. The remaining 89.8% – or $5.4 billion – was funneled to non-Haitian organizations.

Read the rest at ClintonsKill
I love proving you wrong but you being a brain dead puppet of Trump, it's not hard. Heres some facts again. Do you ever feel the slightest embarrassment about continually been caught for lying?
How do you reconcile that with your god? Is it permitted when it's done against democrats?
Do you have any capacity to research anything? Maybe your just the idiot you appear to be.

How do fact-checkers prove no money was missing during Hillary's time there? By insisting that it is paperwork that is missing, not money. But how can they prove the money was not stolen or misappropriated if they lost the paperwork? They can't.
Well well. Heres another mischievous lie you've fabricated. Just a few clicks and you too can know the truth but you dont want that. Let's just fabricate some lies and as a Christian god will forgive me. Sound familiar?
Inconvenient facts about de Blasio and the missing $900 million:

Bill De Blasio's Wife and The Case of the Missing $850 Million in Taxpayer Money

By Sarah Lee | 11:54 AM on March 05, 2019

Chirlane McCray, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife, was entrusted in 2015 with running a new initiative in the city called ThriveNYC, a program that attempted to address issues of homelessness, substance use, depression and suicide, all centered around mental health and with a price tag of $250 million per year in tax payer dollars.

Now, four years later, there are serious concerns and calls for official inquiries into the program because no one can determine if it’s actually been successful. What’s more, due to a general opaqueness when it comes to the program’s budget, ThriveNYC has apparently left that nearly $900 million unaccounted for.
Inconvenient facts about de Blasio and the missing $900 million:

Bill De Blasio's Wife and The Case of the Missing $850 Million in Taxpayer Money

By Sarah Lee | 11:54 AM on March 05, 2019

Chirlane McCray, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife, was entrusted in 2015 with running a new initiative in the city called ThriveNYC, a program that attempted to address issues of homelessness, substance use, depression and suicide, all centered around mental health and with a price tag of $250 million per year in tax payer dollars.

Now, four years later, there are serious concerns and calls for official inquiries into the program because no one can determine if it’s actually been successful. What’s more, due to a general opaqueness when it comes to the program’s budget, ThriveNYC has apparently left that nearly $900 million unaccounted for.
How true. The only thing is there's no evidence he stole 900 million. You would at least see a new car or big mansion but nothing.

Let me know when they charge him.
How do fact-checkers prove no money was missing during Hillary's time there?
The same as you can't prove there was election fraud.
By insisting that it is paperwork that is missing, not money.
Do you know if the paperwork was missing? That's a good place to start. The answer would be in the scriptures.
But how can they prove the money was not stolen or misappropriated if they lost the paperwork? They can't.
How can they prove it was because the likes of democrats haters like you simply want to blacken their names because they were democrats.

Sound familiar?

Don't forget that we tracked down Trump's whore payment with ease but you dickheads can find millions. Don't make me vomit. You stick with lies.
In case you've forgotten, he's been charged for falsifying documents and tax returns. But you couldn't remember that. You're too demented. Fuck off.
Trump has been falsely accused and unjustly charged with crimes Democrats freely and frequently commit with impunity.