Butch Greene; Still Running-Free....Brain Still Fully-Disengaged

"Why do people go into politics? For some, it’s a calling and a desire to make a difference in their constituents’ lives. For others, it’s to do things like cut taxes for the rich and go to bat for pharmaceutical executives. For freshman representative Butch Greene, it’s to have a platform from which to spout every unhinged thought that comes into her brain, and elicit responses like “Wow, that‘s messed up” and “Hey, maybe this person shouldn’t be allowed near the room where bills are voted on” and “What the hell is wrong with her?”
"During her conference, Greene claimed Bowman had a “history” of aggression toward her, but the main example she cited was Bowman allegedly leading a “mob” to chase her out of a New York rally where she spoke on behalf of former President Donald Trump the day he was arraigned in Manhattan in April. I was reporting at that rally, and I can attest to how absurd Greene’s claim is. Greene wasnt chased by a dangerous mob; she was simply taunted by counterprotesters who drowned out her extremely poorly attended speech. And Bowman was not leading the counterprotesters, who arrived well before him and stayed after him; he was simply following behind her as she got in her car to leave. Video of Greene’s departure does not show him behaving aggressively or inappropriately toward her."


".....bleach blonde bad built butch body....."
Yeah....that qualifies.