Brilliant Article on Obama, Banks, and Socialism!

Yeah....he's a regular (Award Winning) salt-o'-the-Earth type.



You Bush-fans....much like Lil' Dumbya....always were quite the English-Majors.



Wow great source with the article. Never claimed to be an English major, but I do have a double major in History/Poli Sci. I notice also that you don't dispute anything about the article, but rather you try to be cute with little dubya comments. Morris doesn't claim to be a conservative. He had a history with Clinton as a financial advisor, and head of his re-election campaign. Then he resigned because he discovered he had morals, something that seem to be lacking with Clinton. For the record the grammatical mistake you decided to point out is called a "Double Negative." I will certainly try and grammar/spell check my articles from now on. I know you can't compete with ideas so therefore you must try to critique spelling, and punctuation.:rolleyes:
Yeah...."morals".......and, a long-standing inability to be CORRECT (about much-of-anything; "creds" that go a long-way, at FAUX Noise.)


I haven't used "Faux" news as a source so I'm not sure why you continuously make that point. So would it be correct to say that liberal commentators were wrong for 7 years and a number of elections. I seem to recall several liberals predicting that Bush was going to lose both elections, and the same for several elections while the republicans held control of the house and senate. They were consistently wrong for years, but Morris is wrong on one campaign and he's all washed up. Consistency Shaman is something that you and liberals lack. I notice again that you haven't refuted the article, and the strong argument it makes. Rather you decide to take the typical liberal approach from Alinsky, personally attack and lie about your opponent. It was a moral stand that prompted Morris to resign from the Clinton Campaign, after the discovery of Clinton's involvement with a prostitute.

FYI.....I could say the same about your source of the Huffington Post, and it's made up facts and stories. That span from such political experts as Sean Penn.
Brilliant description of "THE OBAMA'S" financial plan in regards to controlling banks, and the economy. This article is by Dick Morris not hardly a staunch conservative. Morris was an adviser to former Sen. Trent Lott and former Pres. Bill Clinton.

Ok, if there some financial gurus out there, I need some help...

Obama is considering converting the government owned preferred stock, in to common stock. According to Dick Morris, this shows socialism.

Why? What is the difference between preferred stock, and common stock? Why does this show socialism?
Brilliant description of "THE OBAMA'S" financial plan in regards to controlling banks, and the economy. This article is by Dick Morris not hardly a staunch conservative. Morris was an adviser to former Sen. Trent Lott and former Pres. Bill Clinton.

You mean the Dick Morris of Faux News? Also known as the Worst Pundit in America

Here's a few examples from 2008:

# Oct 28: Undecideds Should Break For McCain: "As Obama has oscillated, moving somewhat above or somewhat below 50 percent in all the October polls, his election likely hangs in the balance. If he falls short of 50 percent in these circumstances, a majority of the voters can be said to have rejected him. Likely a disproportionate number of the undecideds will vote for McCain."

# Oct 21: The Populism Divide: "Then came Obama’s conversation with Joe the Plumber, possibly the decisive moment in the election."

# Sep 16: Candidate and Party: The Obama Deficit: "How odd that Obama, with a world-class personality and an incredibly charismatic speaking style, should be losing the mano-a-mano contest to McCain, who is 25 years older and a foot shorter. But McCain has opened up a decisive lead over Obama, actually using the Democrat’s articulateness against him."

# Sep 2: Stick With Sarah, Who Engenders Empathy, Inspiration: "Sarah Palin’s selection will end up as a big win for John McCain. ...The attacks on Palin mirror the problems that tens of millions of American women find in their everyday lives. To attack them would be to condemn themselves and their own choices in their own lives. Watching Palin standing strong and McCain backing her up will be inspiring to many of them. And the identification of the Democrats with the attacks on her will turn them off...The Republicans, McCain and Palin, will come through this crisis in great shape."

Aug 26: The Better Hillary Does, The Worse For Obama: "By not putting Hillary on his ticket and then giving her a primetime speech at the convention on Tuesday, Obama has the worst of both possible worlds. The better Hillary’s speech, the more people ask why she was passed over for vice president...He didn’t help himself with these women by not choosing Hillary. Now, when Hillary spends all of Tuesday night showing what a grievous omission leaving her off the ticket really was, the electoral consequences for Obama are likely to be horrific."

Aug 5: Bad Economy May Hurt Obama: "It almost doesn’t matter that McCain is not an economist and avows ignorance of what Thomas Carlyle called the “dismal science.” We know McCain. We know he will surround himself with some pretty capable people. And, above all, we know that he won’t raise taxes. Were these calmer times, with less of a threat from abroad and less economic danger, we might indulge our penchant for change and elect a neophyte in the hope that he will offer something different."
Ok, if there some financial gurus out there, I need some help...

Obama is considering converting the government owned preferred stock, in to common stock. According to Dick Morris, this shows socialism.

Why? What is the difference between preferred stock, and common stock? Why does this show socialism?

Common stock is a form of corporation equity ownership. Thus the government taking ownership.:eek:
Dick Morris has been known to make up lies and here he is using race to inform us that Hillary will win the nomination

The guy is a complete partisan, Faux News employed idiot. Why should we take anything he says seriously now?

So are you going to simply ignore the information or pay " kill the messenger " games? Having a controlling share that is turned into common shares gives the government say about the direction the company heads...

Mind teaching ole Wise Popeye why this is not socialism and instead dig something up that would prove otherwise other then attacking the creds of the man giving out the information ?!?!?
Honestly ... Its like a broken record with both of you lately(( *cough* Popeye and shaman *cough*)) .. predictable to a "T" with your responces to threads being posted lately...

If its not flat out bigotry your spouting it's complete B.S. to throw people off the story...
Honestly ... Its like a broken record with both of you lately(( *cough* Popeye and shaman *cough*)) .. predictable to a "T" with your responces to threads being posted lately...

If its not flat out bigotry your spouting it's complete B.S. to throw people off the story...

Both of them tend to have drive by postings where they say three sentences, usually dripping with arrogant sarcasm, and generally no substance, and some link to some article they found.

The only difference is, if you keep responding to Popeye rationally he'll eventually leave without ever admitting he was wrong. Shaman will respond forever by changing the subject in every reply, and or being completely incoherent.