Biden building wall on border

the annoying thing

Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
Did democrats not claim they were ineffective and Raciest . What has changed ?
O yes reality has changed as they are experiencing the effects of Their stupid actions .
Now that they have seen the effects of their stupidty they are crying about it .
So why is Joe Biden building a wall that he claimed was ineffective and racist ?
Mayorkas said the construction project was appropriated during the prior administration and the law requires the government to use the funds, with an announcement made earlier in the year. "We have repeatedly asked Congress to rescind this money but it has not done so and we are compelled to follow the law," he said.

If you think this will solve the problems you are naive
As I’ve been detailing since 2008, roughly half of all illegal immigrants come to the U.S. legally on various non-immigrant visas (NIV)—typically tourist visas (B1/B2)—and overstay them. But the breadth and scope of NIV abuse is likely much worse than that. We still don’t have a firm grasp on NIV overstay rates because many ports of entry don’t stamp travelers out of the country when they leave

This is why walls don't "work" they don't address half the problem to start with
Border barriers “are not particularly effective at stopping migration on their own,” he explains in the Journal of Latin American Geography in 2018. “They require constant surveillance by agents, high tech sensors, aircraft, and drones or else they can easily be climbed with a ladder.”

Another problem is that walls can be climbed by something available in every hardware stoew
Fences or walls obstruct crossers' paths, cutting off a straight shot into the interior of the country. But a barrier is not the permanent object that some people imagine. Natural events can knock down parts of a border fence. One storm in Texas left a hole for months. Fences and walls can also erode near rivers or beaches, as the one in San Diego did. And they can be penetrated: Some fencing can be cut in minutes, and the Border Patrol reported repairing more than 4,000 holes in one year alone. They neglected to mention whether that number equaled that year's number of breaches.

Much of the current fencing can be easily mounted with a ladder or from the roof of a truck. In some cases, border crossers can scale the fence without any additional equipment. One viral video from 2010 shows two women easily climbing an 18-foot steel bollard-style pedestrian fence in less than 20 seconds. Smugglers can even drive over the fence using ramps, a fact that was discovered only when a couple of foolish drug entrepreneurs managed to get their SUV stuck on top. (They took the dope and split.)

Interesting article by right wing Cato
CORNERSTONE OF President-elect Donald Trump's campaign has been the idea of building "a great wall" along the US-Mexico border. With his term beginning tomorrow, Trump remains adamant that construction will begin soon. But regardless of how you feel about Trump's plans to secure the border, experts agree on at least one thing: He's doing it wrong.

A wall helps to an extent. But it's limited at best, impractical at worst, and impressively expensive. While focusing so narrowly on a physical barrier may have been politically expedient, it belies the technological innovations and staffing solutions that have actually worked for US Customs and Border Protection.

Article from a technology view
Mayorkas said the construction project was appropriated during the prior administration and the law requires the government to use the funds, with an announcement made earlier in the year. "We have repeatedly asked Congress to rescind this money but it has not done so and we are compelled to follow the law," he said.

If you think this will solve the problems you are naive
What a slick leftist Democrat twisting of the facts. Biden faces reelection in 2024 and even Democrats are smart enough to know Biden cannot win by opposing the border wall. So, they pretend Biden never tore down portions of the wall Trump built and must continue to build the wall Trump started because Congress allocated the money long ago to do the job. Perhaps lefties forgot about Joe's billion-dollar effort to halt construction of the wall funded and mandated by Congress:

Biden spending over $2B to halt border wall construction amid migrant crisis ( 10-6-23
Biden spending over $2B to halt border wall construction amid migrant crisis
As I’ve been detailing since 2008, roughly half of all illegal immigrants come to the U.S. legally on various non-immigrant visas (NIV)—typically tourist visas (B1/B2)—and overstay them. But the breadth and scope of NIV abuse is likely much worse than that. We still don’t have a firm grasp on NIV overstay rates because many ports of entry don’t stamp travelers out of the country when they leave

This is why walls don't "work" they don't address half the problem to start with
Perhaps the Biden administration is reconsidering their mistake in stopping the construction of the border wall, but how, according to your premise, do leftist Biden officials plan for the wall to allow migrants with the acceptable request for asylum get into the country around or over a Democrat border wall designed to keep out all other immigrants? What percentage of the millions of illegals flooding into our country every year are ignorant of their need to apply for asylum to fool judges into allowing them freedom to enter and go wherever in the US they want or can?
Border barriers “are not particularly effective at stopping migration on their own,” he explains in the Journal of Latin American Geography in 2018. “They require constant surveillance by agents, high tech sensors, aircraft, and drones or else they can easily be climbed with a ladder.”

Another problem is that walls can be climbed by something available in every hardware stoew
Is that a good talking point? Should we abandon construction of border walls because some think they will not slow down the flood of illegals into the US?
Fences or walls obstruct crossers' paths, cutting off a straight shot into the interior of the country. But a barrier is not the permanent object that some people imagine. Natural events can knock down parts of a border fence. One storm in Texas left a hole for months. Fences and walls can also erode near rivers or beaches, as the one in San Diego did. And they can be penetrated: Some fencing can be cut in minutes, and the Border Patrol reported repairing more than 4,000 holes in one year alone. They neglected to mention whether that number equaled that year's number of breaches.

Much of the current fencing can be easily mounted with a ladder or from the roof of a truck. In some cases, border crossers can scale the fence without any additional equipment. One viral video from 2010 shows two women easily climbing an 18-foot steel bollard-style pedestrian fence in less than 20 seconds. Smugglers can even drive over the fence using ramps, a fact that was discovered only when a couple of foolish drug entrepreneurs managed to get their SUV stuck on top. (They took the dope and split.)

Interesting article by right wing Cato
Leftists can come up with dozens of reasons for stopping the construction of border walls, but they have no idea how to stop the financial damage floods of illegal immigrants are doing to so many Americans and American communities and cities.