Bachmann is a compleat Freaking Idiot...Blames Obama for Iraq war deaths?

Yes, you're right, that is funny!

Well, that's what happens when I try to type on my I-Pad instead of waiting until I get to my lap top!

That's why I try to never type long posts on my I-Pad. As much as I love it. .it's not that great for typing.

But, obviously, you're smart enough to have "translated" the typo from "chest" to "chess!"

I know, it's not so funny, but it makes a lot more sense, right? ;):)

yes I got the intended chess reference. I just had a mind in the gutter moment. :D:eek:
so, ifa child needs healthcare coverage and her parents are working at minimum wage jobs which does not provide healthcare, she should just die, or wait until he condition deteriorate to the point that she DOES get disabled?

Such a child would easily qualify for CHIP, SCHIP etc.

And if a young woman gets pregnant, and WANTS to bring her pregnancy to term because she wants a child, she should just risk to loosethat child because she can't access pregnancy care?

Again, multiple programs out there to cover this.

And, if teachers stop teaching, who will take over teaching our kids? who will prepare the workforce of tomorrow FREE OF CHARGE for the big corporations, who EXPECT to hire workers with atleast a minimal formal education? How will this country compete with the rest of developped countries who are ALREADY somuch better educated than we are?

We tell politicans that "you knew what the pay was when you accepted the job", and yet we expect to hold people in other professions to a different standard?