Not appeasement, open negotiation. If we do wind up at war with Iran it would be least as much our fault. One of the reasons the present administration won't sit down and talk with Iran is what the Iranians have to say - and if they refuse to talk to us, what would stop them from citing the same reason? Hypocrisy. Nothing is harmed by peaceful discourse.
I am not "pro-abortion." I've gone back and forth on this issue enough times that I'm a little dizzy. The only thing I'm "pro-" in this category would be removing the need for abortions - through research into better contraceptives and better sexual education.
- pro bureacracy and regulation
I am not pro-bureaucracy. I don't know anyone who is.
As for regulation, yes, I believe in it in some facets. When it comes to firearms, I believe some regulation is necessary. When it comes to food and medicine, I believe some regulation is necessary. I don't believe in prohibition of those types of items - just steps to maintain public safety.
- pro white racial discrimination
This is a farce. I advocate racial equality.
When necessary. Even the founding fathers recognized the necessity of generating government revenue somehow.
What is this nonsense?
If by that you mean that I empathize with people who enter this country illegally looking for a better life, then yeah, sure, I'm pro-illegal alien. I am not pro-illegal immigration, and I would seek to heal the issues that cause it. I doubt that putting up walls or putting armed guards on the border will really stem the tide of illegal immigration; instead, helping the Latin American countries from which most illegal aliens are coming these days to become more developed should help solve the problem.
Wait a minute. The old stereotype is that liberals favor a large, strong central government. How does balkanization fit that stereotype?
And for the record, no, I do not support balkanization.
Not always. I have and continue to advocate as much private action on the issues that are important to me as public action, and generally prefer the former over the latter.
In some instances. I'm not terribly comfortable with capitalism, but until something that really is better comes along, I won't be "anti-capitalist."
Was this definition designed by a troll who draws no distinction between actual environmentalists and true "ecofascists" (read: ecoterrorists, the like, etc.)?
I am a mild environmentalist. I believe in conservation where possible, and I believe in taking the necessary steps to ensure the sustainability of the planet. I am not a member of PETA. Environmentalism is not irrational.
- pro health care rationing
As I've stated before on this site, my mother suffers from a severely debilitating disease. It's hard for me to be objective when it comes to health care because I care less about what would benefit the most people and care everything about what would help her. Right now, she and my father have tried everything there is to try in the present system, and she still isn't getting enough to cross the border between "surviving" and "living." I'm willing to entertain options.