Are today's Democrats now even worse than Dr. Utopia in "Make Mine Freedom" (9:27) from 1948?


1000_F_281183906_vpaIAacYDmBumBfjtxdMiuZ2owz67Xbs[1].jpg Are today's Democrats now even worse than Dr. Utopia in "Make Mine Freedom"​


You haven't heard, huh????
"Since World War II, the United States economy has performed worse on average under the administration of Republican presidents than Democrat presidents. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, stock market returns, personal income growth and corporate profits. The unemployment rate has fallen on average under Democratic presidents, while it has risen on average under Republican presidents. Budget deficits relative to the size of the economy were lower on average for Democratic presidents. Ten of the eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents."
"Since World War II, the United States economy has performed worse on average under the administration of Republican presidents than Democrat presidents. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, stock market returns, personal income growth and corporate profits. The unemployment rate has fallen on average under Democratic presidents, while it has risen on average under Republican presidents. Budget deficits relative to the size of the economy were lower on average for Democratic presidents. Ten of the eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents."
Democrats dishonestly blame republicans for problems in the country because Democrats will lie, cheat, steal, loot, burn and whatever else they need to do to seize and/or maintain control of unjust power.
Democrats dishonestly blame republicans for problems in the country because Democrats will lie, cheat, steal, loot, burn and whatever else they need to do to seize and/or maintain control of unjust power.
Bullshit. Statistics don't lie.
Trump inherited a bouyant growing economy and the first thing you do is attribute it to Trump. He increased the debt by 7.2 trillion in four years, you can check that.
He achieved nothing worthwhile for USA but praised by the Maga nuts and yourself as the greatest ever. Now he's in court facing jail for being a Americans arsehole but no. Your stick with him like an unwanted mother in-law as if your life depends on it.

You don't have a right to make a comment on democrats or America. You know nothing about the subjects. Go away moron.
Low education leftists have a tendency of totally misunderstanding facts and numbers.
Strangely enough that statement can easily apply to you misunderstanding facts and numbers regarding the election. Here's one you will definitely understand, you lost.
The day is approaching when we will have to reconcile all of the unacceptable attitudes and beliefs and actions.

This is a winner take all contest.