Are Federal Employees becoming Targets?

Perhaps a non acorn census worker should hear and be able to report back to their supervisor that some citizens are very unhappy with a number of the questions this particular census is asking. If I just say nothing, how will they know to report to their supervisors a citizens dislike for some of the questions.

I am not one who is very good at shutting up and taking it.
No matter what you say to the census taker, their job is only to take the information on the forms. There is no mechanism(or desire, or likelihood), for reporting discontent back to anyone. That is my point, you are just urinating against a strong wind when you complain to the lowest level worker and expect it to get to the highest level where the decisions are actually made. Information flows from the top down, not from the bottom up. What do you not understand about that?
Pandora me and you will never see eye to eye on this. You feel that government employee's are some what a nuisance that just suck on the tax payers tit and don't really deserve the benefits, perks and everything else that come with the job of being a public servant. You say that the private sector has a higher moral ground and that people who work in the private sector are harder workers then those who work for the public. By the way do you feel the same about the police, fire department, and the U.S. military? Does the military waste government money and are military personnel lazy and just sucking on the tax payer tit as well? I'm putting the words in your mouth because I feel your really afraid to let it out. Don't hold back and let the rest of those government employees know how you feel. It is your right as an American to be angry at your government and as such you shouldn't just vent at one particular entity. Let the whole, know how you really feel. I'm sorry you work for the school district and that those sick days, vacation days and health care coverage you get are so bad. I agree my private health insurance with AETNA is just awful.....and I'm being sarcastic about it because it's funny. Here I am a public servant working for the FEDS and yet I have private health insurance??? Let me ask you this? Does it mean I actually have a public option being provided by a private insurance carrier? Wow imagine that??? God forbid the American people find out that a public option already exists in the form of private health insurance...
They why are you working for a government entity? You make it sound like the private sector never trims fat which is a lie. I mean all those corporate fat cats get those bonuses and the like. Not to mention those who screwed over the financial sector still got their bonuses as well. But the private sector can do no wrong according to you. You say revolt against the government. I say revolt against the status quo and your party and your beliefs Pandora. I say revolt against those on the left and the right which your a part of and put people with similar beliefs on notice.

I consider myself a servent to my community and the children and family's within it. Are you suggesting that only people who think government workers should get extra holiday pay and extra sick leave days and an extra nice PERS package should work for the government? Wouldnt that make everything about it currupt if everyone working there felt that way? I think if everyone thought like you people would have revolted a long time ago.

I make it sound like private sector never trims fat? They do all the time and sometimes they trim more than fat. Ask anyone out of a job right now who was laid off, or ask anyone who took a 20 percent pay deduction or went to part time. But more importantly you have no right at all to talk about the private sector, as long as they stay private its none of your business or mine what they do. Once they become like GM and take government money then we all have a right to have a say because its OUR money they are being bailed out with so its OUR right to complain when they are run poorly.

The government is of the people, by the people and for the people right? We all have a right to be critical of the government, we are paying for the government.

If you think my beliefs are the problem because I think government that is of the people by the people and for the people should be kept in check then thats ok with me :)

I think its funny that you did not comment on the fact that while the actual tax payer is being laid off, reduced in pay and hours they are still being asked to fund the bloating government, except to say they/we are wrong for not being happy about it.
No matter what you say to the census taker, their job is only to take the information on the forms. There is no mechanism(or desire, or likelihood), for reporting discontent back to anyone. That is my point, you are just urinating against a strong wind when you complain to the lowest level worker and expect it to get to the highest level where the decisions are actually made. Information flows from the top down, not from the bottom up. What do you not understand about that?

It probably depends. First off the worker will want to know why I am refusing to answer many of their questions. I may not even have anyone come to my door. I have never taken part of a census before so I may not be asked now.

If I were a census worker, I would want to know what the publics feelings are.
Pandora me and you will never see eye to eye on this. You feel that government employee's are some what a nuisance that just suck on the tax payers tit and don't really deserve the benefits, perks and everything else that come with the job of being a public servant. You say that the private sector has a higher moral ground and that people who work in the private sector are harder workers then those who work for the public. By the way do you feel the same about the police, fire department, and the U.S. military? Does the military waste government money and are military personnel lazy and just sucking on the tax payer tit as well? I'm putting the words in your mouth because I feel your really afraid to let it out. Don't hold back and let the rest of those government employees know how you feel. It is your right as an American to be angry at your government and as such you shouldn't just vent at one particular entity. Let the whole, know how you really feel. I'm sorry you work for the school district and that those sick days, vacation days and health care coverage you get are so bad. I agree my private health insurance with AETNA is just awful.....and I'm being sarcastic about it because it's funny. Here I am a public servant working for the FEDS and yet I have private health insurance??? Let me ask you this? Does it mean I actually have a public option being provided by a private insurance carrier? Wow imagine that??? God forbid the American people find out that a public option already exists in the form of private health insurance...

I have to admit that I really like that term sucking on the tax payers tit :) Thank you, I think its my new favorite term.

I do not think all government workers or programs are bad, though I do think some of them are for sure. I do not think its the governments job to make jobs for the sake of jobs, I like production. I see too many government jobs made that produce nothing but more paper work and problems but there are some good jobs out there that the government does. Schools for one. Teachers are an important part of our structure. Firemen and police are also very important. The FBI the CIA the military are all important.

I think personally policemen and firemen should get extra pay and extra holidays and a really nice medical and retirement package, what they do is important, productive, valuable and dangerous.

But in general I do not think that just because someone works for the government they should get extra perks. We work for the people, we are here to serve the people. The avarage federal worker should be paid as well as the private sector. Just as good of a retirement plan, just as good of a medical plan, just as many holidays and sick days but not more and certianly not a ton more and that is currently what is going on. And I think when the private sector is cutting jobs so should the government but right now the government sector is growing. When private sector is cutting pay, not giving out raises, the government sector should be doing the same but instead they are talking about even more taxes to the people so government workers dont miss that next pay raise.

That is wrong IMO and I am sorry that you dont see that too.
I have to admit that I really like that term sucking on the tax payers tit :) Thank you, I think its my new favorite term.

I do not think all government workers or programs are bad, though I do think some of them are for sure. I do not think its the governments job to make jobs for the sake of jobs, I like production. I see too many government jobs made that produce nothing but more paper work and problems but there are some good jobs out there that the government does. Schools for one. Teachers are an important part of our structure. Firemen and police are also very important. The FBI the CIA the military are all important.

I think personally policemen and firemen should get extra pay and extra holidays and a really nice medical and retirement package, what they do is important, productive, valuable and dangerous.

But in general I do not think that just because someone works for the government they should get extra perks. We work for the people, we are here to serve the people. The avarage federal worker should be paid as well as the private sector. Just as good of a retirement plan, just as good of a medical plan, just as many holidays and sick days but not more and certianly not a ton more and that is currently what is going on. And I think when the private sector is cutting jobs so should the government but right now the government sector is growing. When private sector is cutting pay, not giving out raises, the government sector should be doing the same but instead they are talking about even more taxes to the people so government workers dont miss that next pay raise.

That is wrong IMO and I am sorry that you dont see that too.

Lets agree to disagree. The public and private sectors have a long way to go in making anything work right. I have a total of 130 hours of sick time on the books as we speak. I have a little over 27 hours of vacation time because the fact that I live in one part of the state and my wife and kids live in another and it's a good 5 hour drive either way so the vacation gets sucked up dry. I'm thankful that I have a government job that allows me to take time off to at least spend time with them when I can. We get a total of 120 hours per year for vacation and that includes any left over from the previous year. Now I bet your wondering why do I have such an arrangement. Well it's simple. If I quit my job then I lose any type of unemployment benefits and to do that with almost two years with the organization I work for would be very foolish on my part especially with job's being scarce as they are. Second I have put in for a transfer but that won't be handled till our little re-organization gets done with it's down sizing and even then that is no guarantee that it will happen when it is done. I do this for the simple purpose of providing for my family and the sacrifices that I make are for them even though it keeps me away from them but it is what I must do. That is why this whole murder of this census worker really bothers me because people like me don't want to be a victim of some anti-government whack job especially when I'm so far away from my family. It's bad enough that the separation has taken it's toll but my wife along with me worries about how all of this will play out in the end. I have contacted everyone that I know of about my plight hell I've even contacted my congressman and there is nothing that can be done in regards to my situation. Instead I have to grin and bear it and watch our two party system fail yet again about getting anything done for the good of the nation. I don't Blame Obama nor do I blame Bush for any of this instead I blame all of us for letting this get to this situation we are all in now. The rhetoric has gotten out of control and it is a constant tit for tat from both parties. That is why I blame and will continue to blame both Democrats and Republicans for this mess. I also blame liberals and conservatives alike for what seems to me as just dividing us even further from each other and not coming to any type of consensus on how to deal with problems in this country. Now I read an article on by John L. Perry that a military coup is the only thing that can save the country from Obama? I mean really? REALLY? Before that we had that democratic congressman from Florida rip into the Republicans and saying they want people to "Die Quickly"? Maybe it's me but you know what Pandora I have pretty much given up hope in the United States of America and I am ashamed of my country and how we are all acting including myself. I have said some pretty harsh stuff on these boards and maybe I'm a part of the problem to. But you know what. I am proud of one thing. Even though we live in a country that appears to be on the edge of destroying itself I know that somewhere out there the real America is waiting for it's people to finally step up and do something about this mess. Our two party system does not work anymore and the ideologies from both sides have failed as well. It seems being an independent has pretty much gone by the wayside. Hell we get accused of not being American enough. I don't know. Maybe were not who is to say. I have spoken my peace.
Lets agree to disagree. The public and private sectors have a long way to go in making anything work right. I have a total of 130 hours of sick time on the books as we speak. I have a little over 27 hours of vacation time because the fact that I live in one part of the state and my wife and kids live in another and it's a good 5 hour drive either way so the vacation gets sucked up dry. I'm thankful that I have a government job that allows me to take time off to at least spend time with them when I can. We get a total of 120 hours per year for vacation and that includes any left over from the previous year. Now I bet your wondering why do I have such an arrangement. Well it's simple. If I quit my job then I lose any type of unemployment benefits and to do that with almost two years with the organization I work for would be very foolish on my part especially with job's being scarce as they are. Second I have put in for a transfer but that won't be handled till our little re-organization gets done with it's down sizing and even then that is no guarantee that it will happen when it is done. I do this for the simple purpose of providing for my family and the sacrifices that I make are for them even though it keeps me away from them but it is what I must do. That is why this whole murder of this census worker really bothers me because people like me don't want to be a victim of some anti-government whack job especially when I'm so far away from my family. It's bad enough that the separation has taken it's toll but my wife along with me worries about how all of this will play out in the end. I have contacted everyone that I know of about my plight hell I've even contacted my congressman and there is nothing that can be done in regards to my situation. Instead I have to grin and bear it and watch our two party system fail yet again about getting anything done for the good of the nation. I don't Blame Obama nor do I blame Bush for any of this instead I blame all of us for letting this get to this situation we are all in now. The rhetoric has gotten out of control and it is a constant tit for tat from both parties. That is why I blame and will continue to blame both Democrats and Republicans for this mess. I also blame liberals and conservatives alike for what seems to me as just dividing us even further from each other and not coming to any type of consensus on how to deal with problems in this country. Now I read an article on by John L. Perry that a military coup is the only thing that can save the country from Obama? I mean really? REALLY? Before that we had that democratic congressman from Florida rip into the Republicans and saying they want people to "Die Quickly"? Maybe it's me but you know what Pandora I have pretty much given up hope in the United States of America and I am ashamed of my country and how we are all acting including myself. I have said some pretty harsh stuff on these boards and maybe I'm a part of the problem to. But you know what. I am proud of one thing. Even though we live in a country that appears to be on the edge of destroying itself I know that somewhere out there the real America is waiting for it's people to finally step up and do something about this mess. Our two party system does not work anymore and the ideologies from both sides have failed as well. It seems being an independent has pretty much gone by the wayside. Hell we get accused of not being American enough. I don't know. Maybe were not who is to say. I have spoken my peace.

OK deal, lets agree to disagree. I hope you get the transfer you want and can be closer to your family and I hope you stay safe. I really dont think there is going to be a run on killing government workers but if you really are worried about it, I hope you find some peace there and get more time with your family.
I'm so happy to know you have actual faith in the Justice system in this country. I mean it's a little naive but ok? Let me say this. I won't wait for the justice system because some million dollar hack job of an attorney probably hired on by some extreme right-wing nut bag with hush hush backing from political and talk show figures. Will do everything in their power to make me look like the bad guy who egged on the violence to begin with. Let me ask Dr. Who do you believe the individual(s) who murdered that census worker deserve to get arrested or do you see them as PATRIOTS and REVOLUTIONARY'S who are only doing what they feel is right? God forbid I deserve to put food on my table and clothes on my family back simply because I work for the Federal Government. You don't get it and honestly if you came across a federal employee who just got shot you would probably be the type of person to just walk on by and as you do so kick them in the head and tell them "You got what you deserved". I'll say this to all those TEA parties activist your no different from ACORN both of your groups are ruining this country and feeding into this hate and discontent and I put both of these groups right in there with the Militias and the Gang bangers as the scourge of America. All of you are terrorist and deserve to be put in GITMO along with Al QUIDA as well. There I said and I don't regret it!

The effectiveness of the justice system does not make much difference while the guy is trying to kill you. at that point the important thing is can you defend yourself. To defend yourself you don't need to WANT to kill the other guy. disabling him would be sufficient to make you safe.

If you try your best just to defend yourself than you are not likely to go to jail. If you try your best to kill the other guy when you could have stopped short you increase your chance of going to jail yourself.

The guys who killed the census worker were not using their guns in self defense. They should be tried.

If I came across anyone who was shot I would call an ambulance. Even if the person was the one who was moments ago trying to kill me.

Equating the tea party activists with those who did this is spurious rhetoric. for the most part the tea partiers are more civil than those who are activists on the progressive side.
Does it bother you that a Federal employee would actually defend them selves?
I'm not going to be victim although some on the extreme right and the left would love for us to be one. I'm not going to stand by and be a victim especially since I work for the Federal Government. What if I was a Postal Employee? Whats the matter you don't like your PUBLIC OPTION with your mail??? Did you know that it was a PUBLIC OPTION besides UPS and FEDEX???

As a matter of fact I do not like that public option. I do not like that the post office looses billions of dollars, gets bailed out by congress year after year and we don't even know exactly how much they are costing us.

I do not like that the postal service has, by law, a virtual monopoly on first class mail and still cannot do a good enough job to be profitable.

I do not like that all gov services are about as inefficient as this.

(and it still bothers me that you don't know the difference between self defense and murder.)
As a matter of fact I do not like that public option. I do not like that the post office looses billions of dollars, gets bailed out by congress year after year and we don't even know exactly how much they are costing us.

I do not like that the postal service has, by law, a virtual monopoly on first class mail and still cannot do a good enough job to be profitable.

I do not like that all gov services are about as inefficient as this.

(and it still bothers me that you don't know the difference between self defense and murder.)

Wow I was unaware the postal service got a bail out? This is news to me and I'm sure to a lot of people. Let me get back to you on that because I think your wrong on this one. Even if they did get a bail out Congress would approve it automatically because congress mandates and oversees the Postal Service and FYI the post office doesn't receive tax payer dollars. Instead they get their money from sales of services. As for UPS and FEDEX those two right there are you private options when it comes to shipping and both of them are hurting as well. Another, thing it bothers me that you don't see to be condemning the individual who thought it was cute to put a poll on FACEBOOK talking about assassinating Obama and that at these TEA parties you see signs that advocate CIVIL WAR and destroying America from with in and article's about Military Coup's on websites like by John L. Perry. So If me defending myself in my own way bothers you to bad. Report me to proper authorities and handle your business. I think your upset that someone like me won't stand by and be a victim. TEA parties and ACORN go hand in hand in my opinion. Along with Militia's and Gang-bangers. These groups are hell bent and I'll give you another example of one of your proud TEA party supporters who is in my family. Last night he got bent out of shape and ask me if I support Abortion and I told him no but that No government whether local, state or federal has a right to tell anyone what to do with their private lives. He got upset and then said I side with those who are on welfare and go around and have kids just for the hell of it. I ask him what business is it of him and he said as a tax payer he's not paying for it. So then I ask him if he feels blacks should be sterilized along with other minorities and he said quite Gleefully "Yes they should" Wow imagine that. That is your problem with TEA parties Dr. Who you have people like my family member who believe in that and the same goes for the left so before you go there with me...Another thing let me ask you this? On the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing do you mourn for the Death's of those innocent people who were killed or do you mourn for the Death of Timothy McVeigh? Yeah I went there.
Wow I was unaware the postal service got a bail out? This is news to me and I'm sure to a lot of people. Let me get back to you on that because I think your wrong on this one. Even if they did get a bail out Congress would approve it automatically because congress mandates and oversees the Postal Service and FYI the post office doesn't receive tax payer dollars. Instead they get their money from sales of services.

You wont find any articles about it but if you read the actual post office budget you will find a line among the monies being moved back and forth in one large shell game that represents funds directly from congress.

for other complaints:

As for UPS and FEDEX those two right there are you private options when it comes to shipping and both of them are hurting as well.

They would do much better if the post office allowed them to send first class letters competitively. But since they are not allowed to they can only focus on other types of mail.
Another, thing it bothers me that you don't see to be condemning the individual who thought it was cute to put a poll on FACEBOOK talking about assassinating Obama

I wasn't aware any one had asked my to.

I think it was stupid but I do respect free speech. I did not see the facebook page. If he asked "should the P be A?" then it was just a poll. Certainly not as bad as the movie about Bush being A. If he advocated it then he should be arrested.

and that at these TEA parties you see signs that advocate CIVIL WAR and destroying America from with in and article's about Military Coup's on websites like by John L. Perry.

There are certainly a few stupid signs among the many. I don't condemn the liberals either when their groups have a few stupid among the members. I do condemn groups when they are accurately represented by these stupid signs, i.e. the anarchist.
So If me defending myself in my own way bothers you to bad.

Defending yourself is fine. Killing a person after he ceases to be a threat to you is not self-defense.
Report me to proper authorities and handle your business.

You haven't done anything illegal yet. You are free to say what you want. ( you are aware that if you are ever tried for killing someone and you say it was self defense the prosecution will probably find these posts of yours?)
I think your upset that someone like me won't stand by and be a victim.
I defend your right to carry a gun and to use it for self defense, but not for murder.
TEA parties and ACORN go hand in hand in my opinion. Along with Militia's and Gang-bangers.

Hmmm? partly true.
These groups are hell bent and I'll give you another example of one of your proud TEA party supporters who is in my family. Last night he got bent out of shape and ask me if I support Abortion and I told him no but that No government whether local, state or federal has a right to tell anyone what to do with their private lives. He got upset and then said I side with those who are on welfare and go around and have kids just for the hell of it. I ask him what business is it of him and he said as a tax payer he's not paying for it. So then I ask him if he feels blacks should be sterilized along with other minorities and he said quite Gleefully "Yes they should" Wow imagine that. That is your problem with TEA parties Dr. Who you have people like my family member who believe in that and the same goes for the left so before you go there with me...

By your description your family member is an idiot. That does not mean that the rest of the people in a group are idiots too.

Another thing let me ask you this? On the anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing do you mourn for the Death's of those innocent people who were killed or do you mourn for the Death of Timothy McVeigh? Yeah I went there.

I don't recall saying anything either way on the anniversary. I have probably said something here about it and no doubt that those people should not have died that way.

I dont recall saying anything about Timothy McVeigh either on the anniversary. On capital punishment threads I have expressed that capital punishment is justice in theory but in practice in the US we need to find another way. Even when capital punishment is called for and done correctly the death of the individual would still be regrettable though perhaps necessary.
Well.....someone came out swinging....I like that. It's like this Dr. Who lets agree to disagree how about that huh? I mean I won't change my mind on things and neither will you. Stubbornness is one of the Seven deadlys but we like to call it PRIDE. Any hoot I'm not to worried about some prosecutor coming back and reading any of this because imo when you attack a federal employee and have this anti-government rage in you. Then try and go out and kill one and they happen to kill you while you're in the progress of committing a terrorist attack... All I can say is good luck convincing 12 jurors that I'm a murderer. But I give you kudos for trying to make a point. Yeah killing terrorist is so wrong in this country whether they be international ones getting trained in the mountains of Pakistan or Domestic ones getting trained in the back woods or Idaho or Georgia. So yeah I'm not to worried about that. Let me tell you something Dr. Who. I don't fear this government at all! Nor do I fear this country. But what I do fear is people who advocate the killing of the President and the systematic destruction of our nation simply because they don't like a policy,an administration or a particular belief. The left in this country went ape **** when Bush won back in 2000 and the right told them to STFU and get over it. Now the roles have reversed and it's the left telling the right to STFU and get over Obama. Seems to me that the right is having a hard time swallowing this and I for one would never defend a liberal but they got you guys in such a tizzy that now some of you want Civil War and the military to over throw this Administration. Well remember this if the Republicans win the white house in 2012 they better get ready!!! I mean they better make damn sure they are ready because you have not seen the true face of the liberal wing in this country and they will come with guns blazing and you guys on the right will find out first hand how much they believe in the 2nd amendment and I don't want to hear this talk of "They need to get over it they lost" You think yelling at Obama during a speech before congress is bad. Wait till one of yours is trying to do the same. Oh I'm sure you and countless others will be condemning it but people like me will stir it up just to see some Democrats and Republicans take a bullet or two or three, hell give them five each just to make sure they don't get up at all.....Said yup regret it NOPE!!!!!!!
Oh yeah one more thing Dr. regards to your little article about the USPS I agree with you 100%. I mean the post office is one of the evilest organizations out there and everyone who works for them should be fired and lose their benefits. I mean it would save so much of the Tax payers money....Wait a minute oh that's right they don't use tax payer dollars but your swear to god they do. Well I mean if we can bail out Wall Street then why not the Post Office. I mean investor deserve to have there retirements and their kids college fund protected right?’t_deliver here you go Dr. Who. I just want to be cool like you and add my own link about one of the other OPTIONS in regards to package delivery I mean the source might be a little sketchy but so was yours and I'm not surprised about what I read when you posted it but I already beat that dead horse a long time ago so I'm over it. here's another one regarding both FEDEX and UPS but hey you do have a choice. A public option (USPS) and two private one's (FEDEX and UPS). So it's not like a public option could never put a private company out of business now right? Also just curious I want to ask you about National Flood Insurance.....oh wait did I just say NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE...omg omg Another PUBLIC OPTION BUT THIS TIME IT HAS INSURANCE ATTACHED TO IT!!!!!! OMG seems we can insure property but I guess health insurance is just not going to work. Also before you come back with your selected facts and figures(don't worry I do the same) please do your best to defend this GOVERNMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM because I want hear to this. I know it's going to be a good one.
Oh yeah one more thing Dr. regards to your little article about the USPS I agree with you 100%. I mean the post office is one of the evilest organizations out there and everyone who works for them should be fired and lose their benefits. I mean it would save so much of the Tax payers money....Wait a minute oh that's right they don't use tax payer dollars but your swear to god they do. Well I mean if we can bail out Wall Street then why not the Post Office. I mean investor deserve to have there retirements and their kids college fund protected right?’t_deliver here you go Dr. Who. I just want to be cool like you and add my own link about one of the other OPTIONS in regards to package delivery I mean the source might be a little sketchy but so was yours and I'm not surprised about what I read when you posted it but I already beat that dead horse a long time ago so I'm over it. here's another one regarding both FEDEX and UPS but hey you do have a choice. A public option (USPS) and two private one's (FEDEX and UPS). So it's not like a public option could never put a private company out of business now right? Also just curious I want to ask you about National Flood Insurance.....oh wait did I just say NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE...omg omg Another PUBLIC OPTION BUT THIS TIME IT HAS INSURANCE ATTACHED TO IT!!!!!! OMG seems we can insure property but I guess health insurance is just not going to work. Also before you come back with your selected facts and figures(don't worry I do the same) please do your best to defend this GOVERNMENT INSURANCE PROGRAM because I want hear to this. I know it's going to be a good one.

Why would I defend the government takeover of the flood insurance industry? It just proves that the government is very capable of taking over yet another industry while so many claim that a public option in health care would never result in a takeover of the whole health care system. It is not like our President didn't say in his campaign that he wanted to have gov run the whole health care system and that it would be a long and stealthy process.
Why would I defend the government takeover of the flood insurance industry? It just proves that the government is very capable of taking over yet another industry while so many claim that a public option in health care would never result in a takeover of the whole health care system. It is not like our President didn't say in his campaign that he wanted to have gov run the whole health care system and that it would be a long and stealthy process.

What the hell are you talking about. "Taking over the Flood Insurance Industry"??? The insurance companies don't want to cover Flood Insurance because it is not cost effective! They should feel the same way about Health Insurance if that's the case. The insurance companies have a double standard on everything and once they feel it won't make them any money they just decide not to cover it!!! Why do we have mandatory Car insurance? It a Damn monopoly but your right the FEDS wouldn't do any better? But don't sit there and try to defend an industry with a straight face (unless your an investor making sure you get your profits) I would have more respect for the insurance industry if they just came out and said "Look we don't care about you we just want your money and if you get sick too bad, We're not paying for it" I remember seeing an old Discovery Card commercial about 10-15 years ago about a guy going into the ER and before they treated him they made sure his card cleared. Let's have a system like that. What do you say Dr. Who. Would you like to see some bodies pile up on the streets? I know I would....We have public options out there whether it's the USPS, National Flood insurance, Medicare and Social Security. But your right a Public option for health care is a bad thing I agree. Instead let's give everyone a Million Dollars for the rest of their life strictly for Health Care. So lets see there are about 300 million Americans in this country so that is 1 million per person. Hmmmmmmm nah that's a waste of Tax payer dollars. We don't deserve it!