And it's all one big lie.

Boris Norris

Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2022
Mark. These look credible witnesses to me. Trump is toast.

Mark. These look credible witnesses to me. Trump is toast.

Democrats lie. Bill Clinton was given a pass to keep whatever documents he wanted to keep.
Hillary destroyed subpoenaed government records and Democrats ignored the crime.
Joe Biden was not even president, and he took home government records and stored them in his garage and in the office he shared with Chinese spies and Democrats forgave him for his indiscretions and lawbreaking.
But when President Trump was set to use government documents to prove Hillary invented the fake Russian collusion narrative the Democrats invented a false excuse for raiding his home and seizing all his records, both publicly owned as well as supposedly protected privately personal papers and documents.

Democrats are crooked and lawless.

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Democrats lie. Bill Clinton was given a pass to keep whatever documents he wanted to keep.
Exactly. After they were declassified.
Hillary destroyed subpoenaed government records and Democrats ignored the crime.
In fact, she was investigated by a republican dominated inquiry and found no crime other than it wasn't a good decision.
Joe Biden was not even president, and he took home government records and stored them in his garage and in the office he shared with Chinese spies and Democrats forgave him for his indiscretions and lawbreaking.

Chinese spies??? How do you know they were spies? No paranoia there son.
But when President Trump was set to use government documents to prove Hillary invented the fake Russian collusion narrative the Democrats invented a false excuse for raiding his home and seizing all his records, both publicly owned as well as supposedly protected privately personal papers and documents.
It is proven they were not declassified so your story is just that.
Democrats are crooked and lawless.

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Exactly. After they were declassified.
You say things you cannot prove. Trump had the power and the right to declassify documents he had possession of. Biden never had that right.
In fact, she was investigated by a republican dominated inquiry and found no crime other than it wasn't a good decision.
Yes, Hillary was forgiven her felonies by Comey who admitted he might as well forgive her of her felonious crimes because no court would ever convict her given the corrupted state of the US court system. That is the same reason Democrats know they will almost always get away with voter fraud because in our bent court system very few, if any, courts will be willing to risk the wrath of the deep state by taking on voter fraud cases.

Chinese spies??? How do you know they were spies? No paranoia there son.
You say things you cannot prove. Trump had the power and the right to declassify documents he had possession of. Biden never had that right.
Every POTUS has that power but he didn't get it done. They WERE NOT declassified as the law says nor in any other way.
He stole the documents and that's a fact.
He was silly enough to say he declassified them by "thinking about it".
Don't reply saying he didn't say that because I can prove it.
Yes, Hillary was forgiven her felonies by Comey who admitted he might as well forgive her of her felonious crimes because no court would ever convict her given the corrupted state of the US court system. That is the same reason Democrats know they will almost always get away with voter fraud because in our bent court system very few, if any, courts will be willing to risk the wrath of the deep state by taking on voter fraud cases.
Wrong. She was proven to not have broken the law but was advised she could have handled it better.
Is that the same bent SC court that is stacked 6 to 3 with godbothering republicans? You know, your Jesus buddies?
View attachment 10331

How did you know they were spies?
Did you see recently that Trump received 8.5 million from, wait for it, the Chinese govt. It has been proven unlike the Biden accusations. Get that up ya.
Every POTUS has that power but he didn't get it done. They WERE NOT declassified as the law says nor in any other way.
He stole the documents and that's a fact.
He was silly enough to say he declassified them by "thinking about it".
Don't reply saying he didn't say that because I can prove it.
The judge said the President can declassify and keep any document he wants to. Are we a nation that abides by court decisions or not?

Tapes stored in Bill Clinton's sock drawer could affect Trump's legal fight over presidential record - Washington Times 8-22-22

Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.

Wrong. She was proven to not have broken the law but was advised she could have handled it better.
Is that the same bent SC court that is stacked 6 to 3 with godbothering republicans? You know, your Jesus buddies?
Nobody proved anything except the crooked leftists who declined to question her, investigate her, or charge her with the felonious crimes the admitted she committed.
How did you know they were spies?
Did you see recently that Trump received 8.5 million from, wait for it, the Chinese govt. It has been proven unlike the Biden accusations. Get that up ya.
Even if the CCP Chinese guys sharing office space with the Biden family members were not spies Biden committed a serious breach of national security by illegally storing government document secrets in that office.
The judge said the President can declassify and keep any document he wants to. Are we a nation that abides by court decisions or not?
Should that court be abided by when they refused to rule in Trump's alleged stolen election because lack of evidence?

You can't have it both ways.
Tapes stored in Bill Clinton's sock drawer could affect Trump's legal fight over presidential record - Washington Times 8-22-22

Judge Jackson ruled that the tapes belonged to Mr. Clinton, even though the discussions included a broad range of presidential matters. The court ruled that the National Archives and Records Administration had no power to “seize control of them” because Mr. Clinton had used his authority under the Presidential Records Act to declare the recordings part of his personal records.
That's right because he proceeded with getting them declassified. Trump didn't and that's a fact.
Nobody proved anything except the crooked leftists who declined to question her, investigate her, or charge her with the felonious crimes the admitted she committed.

Even if the CCP Chinese guys sharing office space with the Biden family members were not spies Biden committed a serious breach of national security by illegally storing government document secrets in that office.
Should that court be abided by when they refused to rule in Trump's alleged stolen election because lack of evidence?
Leftist courts and judges who owe their positions of prominence to crooked Democrats will hardly bite the hand that still feeds them.
Should that court be abided by when they refused to rule in Trump's alleged stolen election because lack of evidence?

You can't have it both ways.
There is nothing to "abide by" in court rulings that do not touch on the legitimacy or illegitimacy of voting fraud evidence, or which cannot rule on the thousands of clear evidences of widespread voting fraud never presented to them in court.
That's right because he proceeded with getting them declassified. Trump didn't and that's a fact.
What process must a president go through to declassify documents? Apparently all Bill Clinton did was say he declassified them and that was it. There is no proof Trump did not do the same thing or could not still do the same thing.

Democrats are such hateful vengeful partisan hypocrites.
What process must a president go through to declassify documents?

There is a process which must be followed and Trump didn't do it. Research it you dumb prick.
Apparently all Bill Clinton did was say he declassified them and that was it. There is no proof Trump did not do the same thing or could not still do the same thing.
Bill Clinton did not do that and you cannot Clinton with ratbag Trump who broke the law.
Democrats are such hateful vengeful partisan hypocrites.
No. The law must be followed or Congress would be full of dickheads like Trump.
There is a process which must be followed and Trump didn't do it. Research it you dumb prick.
Trump followed it but Biden did not. Biden had not been president when he stole government documents to store in his home garage that was exposed to lowlifes brought home by his crackhead son.
Bill Clinton did not do that and you cannot Clinton with ratbag Trump who broke the law.
You have no idea what Clinton did or did not do and what Trump did or did not do. You are obviously just repeating what you heard from lying leftist deceivers.
No. The law must be followed or Congress would be full of dickheads like Trump.
If Biden has been following the law, he would have never dismantled Trump's protections against illegal immigration at the southern border. Furthermore, if Democrats had been obeying election laws their voter registries would not have been filled with names of ineligible voters allowing voting crooks to add thousands of bogus votes for Biden without being exposed for going far over the number of voters actually eligible to vote in those crooked precincts.
Trump followed it but Biden did not. Biden had not been president when he stole government documents to store in his home garage that was exposed to lowlifes brought home by his crackhead son.

You have no idea what Clinton did or did not do and what Trump did or did not do. You are obviously just repeating what you heard from lying leftist deceivers.

If Biden has been following the law, he would have never dismantled Trump's protections against illegal immigration at the southern border. Furthermore, if Democrats had been obeying election laws their voter registries would not have been filled with names of ineligible voters allowing voting crooks to add thousands of bogus votes for Biden without being exposed for going far over the number of voters actually eligible to vote in those crooked precincts.

I was hoping you would reply with your obligatory ignorance to check the facts. Here it is. I accept your apology.
