An enterprising group of greedy blacks are now trying to shake down white churches for billions of dollars

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
There seems to be no limit to what measures greedy sinners will go to rob, steal, or extort money they don't deserve from victims they don't care about. Blacks are not thankful that millions of modern Americans are descendants from thousands of Americans who fought and died and lost everything in order to free the slaves from Democrat racist slavery tyranny. Modern blacks have not been negatively impacted by ancient events any more than modern whites have.

I find it inexcusable for blacks to accuse whites they don't know and don't care about of being racists from long lines of American racists, not knowing or caring what those poor white's ancestors lost in fighting to free American slaves.

Reparations Activists Want $15 Billion - Issue Demand For Cash To ‘White Churches’ - The Political Insider 3-25-24

Reparations Activists Want $15 Billion – Issue Demand For Cash To ‘White Churches’
Many modern whites in America give tacit support to black demands that are not sensible or just, but there will be very few of those go-along-get-along whites who will end up forking over their hard-earned money to blacks who did not earn it themselves and do not deserve the right to rob others like that.





where is the "rob, steal, or extort money" here? its a group calling for something. groups call for things all the time.

you are such a drama queen lol
There seems to be no limit to what measures greedy sinners will go to rob, steal, or extort money they don't deserve from victims they don't care about. Blacks are not thankful that millions of modern Americans are descendants from thousands of Americans who fought and died and lost everything in order to free the slaves from Democrat racist slavery tyranny. Modern blacks have not been negatively impacted by ancient events any more than modern whites have.

I find it inexcusable for blacks to accuse whites they don't know and don't care about of being racists from long lines of American racists, not knowing or caring what those poor white's ancestors lost in fighting to free American slaves.

Reparations Activists Want $15 Billion - Issue Demand For Cash To ‘White Churches’ - The Political Insider 3-25-24

Reparations Activists Want $15 Billion – Issue Demand For Cash To ‘White Churches’
Many modern whites in America give tacit support to black demands that are not sensible or just, but there will be very few of those go-along-get-along whites who will end up forking over their hard-earned money to blacks who did not earn it themselves and do not deserve the right to rob others like that.

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They are right about slavery. The 15 billion is going nowhere.
where is the "rob, steal, or extort money" here? its a group calling for something. groups call for things all the time.

you are such a drama queen lol
I cannot imagine how stupid I would look if I went to black churches to pressure their members to give me obscene amounts of money because I had several ancestors who suffered great losses of life and property fighting the Southern Democrats in the Civil War to end slavery.
I cannot imagine how stupid I would look if I went to black churches to pressure their members to give me obscene amounts of money because I had several ancestors who suffered great losses of life and property fighting the Southern Democrats in the Civil War to end slavery.

so there is no "rob, steal, extort" going on here, and you lied..once more.
god hates when you lie.
They are right about slavery. The 15 billion is going nowhere.
Modern blacks are wrong if they think modern whites who had nothing to do with slavery are going to fork over their hard-earned money by the billions to blacks who had nothing to do with slavery demanding they be richly rewarded because they have dark skins like slaves did.
so there is no "rob, steal, extort" going on here, and you lied..once more.
god hates when you lie.
if someone was trying to extort money from you unjustly you would not hesitate to condemn the extortion attempt as an extortion attempt.
Modern blacks are wrong if they think modern whites who had nothing to do with slavery are going to fork over their hard-earned money by the billions to blacks who had nothing to do with slavery demanding they be richly rewarded because they have dark skins like slaves did.
That could be true but the country was founded and prospered under slavery and it was all sanctioned by god and the Bible. That's your Bible you hypocrite.
I cannot imagine how stupid I would look if I went to black churches to pressure their members to give me obscene amounts of money because I had several ancestors who suffered great losses of life and property fighting the Southern Democrats in the Civil War to end slavery.
There's no need to torture yourself with a futile expedition like that. You look stupid enough as your are. 😂😂😂
That could be true but the country was founded and prospered under slavery and it was all sanctioned by god and the Bible. That's your Bible you hypocrite.
Are you saying that white descendants of families who sacrificed everything to free the slaves should now be called racists for being white and should pay blacks obscene amounts of money for being black no matter whether they had ancestors who were slaves or not?
There's no need to torture yourself with a futile expedition like that. You look stupid enough as your are. 😂😂😂
That would be stupid, wouldn't it? If I went to black churches and said, "look homies, five of my great-great-great-great grandfathers lost everything to free you people and we never got payment from you people for freeing you."