21 children so far, and he isn't even 30 yet!


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
I saw this story on TV while on the treadmill. I had to look it up when I got home:

Desmond Hatchett fathers 21 children by 11 women before turning 30

Desmond Hatchett, a Tennessee man, has fathered 21 children by 11 different women at the age of 29, an American court has heard.

So, how is he going to support so many children?

Mr Hatchett, who works in a minimum wage job, said that he was not trying to break a record and has no plans to have any more children.

In other words, we get to feed them, and probably their mothers as well, educate them, and provide health care for them.

So, does he pay any attention to them at all?

He insists that he knows all of their names, ages and birthdays.

What a guy! The octo mom has nothing on him.

What a great example of why the welfare state is going to bankrupt us.