Well I watched the whole thing. It was very good. I do not see how anyone could say it was unfair or a set up. The pastor asking the questions is a friend to both McCain and Obama. They were both asked the same questions and you really got a feel for the difference between them.
I still don’t have a print out of the exact questions; it will be much nicer to view the answers side by side.
For now what comes to mind was the question
Who were the three wisest people you know?
Obama’s answers were his wife Michelle, his grandmother and Ted Kennedy. OK great we are in trouble if Michelle his bell and Ted are the wisest people he knows. I figure he threw grandma in to make up for tossing her under the bus earlier this year.
McCain said General David Petraeus, The second person I can’t remember and the third was the person who invented eBay
The other question that stuck out was
Does evil exist and if it does what should be done about it?
Ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it, or defeat it
Obama really ummed and ummmed his way through that one and reminded us its in our own back yard and we are imperfect and make mistakes and sometimes we have to look at our self… exc. Exc. Can’t have a question about evil without dragging your country into it! If he had not done that, I would have to say that is not the senator Obama I knew
I honestly do not know where his final stand was on that, if anyone can give me what his answer was I would like that. Did he finally say h e would ignore it, negotiate with it, contain it or defeat it? I really don’t know what finally settled on.
McCain said defeat it, then went on to explain real evil with confidence.
I am not a big McCain fan, but I have to say he impressed me tonight.
I loved McCain’s answers on the Supreme Court and hated Obama’s
I loved McCain’s answers on abortion and laughed literally out loud at Obama’s except the part that he does sound like he is willing to do something to help make abortion happen less, though he gave no specifics on it, I think it was just words, but I would rather be wrong and he actually meant that small gesture. But since Obama said the decision on life was “above his pay grade” Obama’s words, not mine! I guess he won’t be making any major calls on that one anytime soon.
I felt like McCain was clear with what he believed and you kind of had to wonder exactly what Obama believed when he was done talking, he skirted more than I think he should have been allowed.
One question was when you have ever crossed party lines for the betterment of your country. Obama did the umm umm thing then he named a bill he worked on with McCain. But from how I understand it, he backed out of that bill at the last minute and went along party lines, so his only answer to how he can reach out to the other side was a time he actually caved and ran back to the party.
McCain of course had a list longer than Texas, and tried to laugh it off. The best example he had was something that happened when he was a young Senator under Reagan. It was compelling. I noticed though he did bring up a lot of times he broke party lines, he did not use amnesty as an example
The big thing people will talk about is this
For Obama it was saying that knowing when life starts was above his pay grade, he was being very serious.
And for McCain it was a 5 million dollar comment. He was joking, he said he was joking and then said this is what they will put on the news. He went on to say 3 times, now seriously now seriously and then gave a real answer to the question of what is rich.
Other than those two small things both did very well. I think if someone were going to be fair they would have to say McCain was clearer on what he was saying, I can not think of anyplace he skirted the question, where Obama did often. But Obama spoke well, there were not to many ummm ummm’s he looked well rested and the people applauded often for him, so he seemed to be well liked.